Hearthstone Topic #5: The Generated By Meta

Board 8

Just won a game in standard by playing one card on turn 6.

Druid greets me (rogue) and does nothing . I stab face.
They hero power. I stab face.
They play Fungal Fortunes, discard Ysera in the process. I stab face.
They play Wild Growth. I stab face.
They play another Fungal Fortunes, discard Exotic Mountseller. I stab face.
They play Glowfly Swarm followed by Power of the Wild. I play Flik and destroy their board. (I also shadowstep Flik, so I guess technically I played two cards.)
They concede.
Congratulations to all the gurus, past and present, participating in the contest.
Video Game Music Contest 14: Now in progress. Come join us!