Gauntlet Crew Ranks Anime Movies II

Board 8

40. Phoenix 2772:

Jona: 26
Karo: 30
Inviso: 33
Johnbobb: 36
Red: 37
Genny: 39
Charon: 40

Total: 241

Jona: Im being quite generous with the ranking of this film because I really like how ambitious it is. The opening is great with having no dialogue and Godos journey is quite grand. Things get quite interesting when the Phoenix/Firebird gets focused on. Pretty interesting to see Black Jack and Rock in different roles for this movie. It can be boring at times and too much time can be spent on comic relief but there are different concepts that the movie is about that can be quite intriguing.

Karo: What It Is:
A film set in Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix universe (though not actually adapted from any of the manga), and like most of the other stories in the series revolves around characters hunting for the mysterious Phoenix in search of eternal life and generally finding only death.

What I Think:
It's an old, low budget anime that feels like it is way longer than it needs to be to tell the story it is trying to tell. There are so many extraneous scenes of pet kangaroo antics or robot transformation porn that the movie ends up clocking in at over 2 hours long. It is something that is in need of editing and in need of it very badly.

Score: 53/100

Inviso: My God, what the fuck was this movie even supposed to be? It tackled heavy subject matter, yet still felt it necessary to throw in a procession of annoying sidekicks, because otherwise kids wouldnt enjoy the weird cautionary tale about how Earth is dying due to overuse of its natural resources. This movie had like, FIVE musical interludes. Its two hours long, yet it felt the need to give us MULTIPLE silent scenes with the express purpose of highlighting the animation (poor quality at that, and I know I shouldnt judge given the era, but still) and doing nothing to progress the story. Every aspect of the plot feels stupid and pointless, and a large portion of the plot points that get introducedfall apart or wind up completely irrelevant. I dont care for ANYONE in the cast, and the only saving grace is that at least the main character didnt go out of his way to piss me off.

Johnbobb: That robot lady transformation scene was fucking terrifying. The choice to have the first 10 minutes or so without voice acting was interesting and paid off I think, so by the time you finally hear a voice it's striking. Really, most of the first third of the movie is pretty interesting. Not exactly my thing, but the story is compelling. It really starts to drag around the middle though, once it starts introducing characters like Pincho and that dice thing that seem to exist for no other reason than to be goofy and annoying. A not-insignificant chunk of the movie abruptly halts the plot to watch their antics and just kills the pace of the movie. By the end, it held true, this just wasn't my type of movie overall, but it was way more interesting than I expected.
Congrats to Advokaiser on being really good at predicting stuff