Gauntlet Crew Ranks Anime Movies II

Board 8

Red: Everyone eat your vegetables or the entire earth will explode. Making any semblance of sense is not this movies strongsuit. They go search for a phoenix who after killing everyone decides to have mercy, takes them to what I assume is her home planet, and then sends him home to earth with vegetables. Then everybody dies again. Despite Earth being nothing but horrible to the main character, somehow he has some sort of extreme built in loyalty to the planet for no reason. The plot is nonsense, the movie teeters on the edge of boring, and the ending reminds you the whole thing was just dumb.

Genny: Phoenix 2772 was an ordeal to watch not because its availability as it was actually easy to find, but because it was exhausting to sit through both in a literal and figurative sense. We had to break it into two sessions due to its ridiculous nigh two hour runtime, which could've been forgiven if that time was spent with meaningful characters, engaging plot and/or setting, or clever dialogue (preferably all of them), but Phoenix 2772 contained D) None of above. There are a few movies on this list I watched twice of my own volition just to compare the subtle differences in both the subtitled and dubbed versions, but you couldn't PAY me to rewatch this one. Here is a list of things I would rather do than watch this film ever again:

1) Eat drywall
2) Drink bleach
3) Damn near anything else

This wasn't the worst movie I've watched for one of these ranking projects, but it certainly makes a case for the worst anime*.

*Edit: Hot damn I almost cannot believe there was a worse movie on this list, but I stand corrected. This can't be the worst anime when my #40 exists just to insult me.

Charon: I won't say that I ranked this film last just because the English version is terribly dubbed, though it definitely is by far the worst dubbed film we ended up watching on this list. Even ignoring that though, the plot here is hard to follow and the characters rather hard to care much about. The protagonist spends most of the film being selfish and instantly falls in love with a girl for no discernible reason. He alone definitely wouldn't have made this film last though; it's those awful supporting characters. I mean the interactions between that cleaning obsessed thing and the dice thing are the stuff of nightmares. It's shockingly awful how long it goes on and just how unlikable these characters can be. And then the terrible musical numbers they subject us to for no reason at all. It's unfortunate these guys didn't actually die, though their mere existence probably still would have guaranteed this film the last spot, at least I wouldn't have had to look at them one last time at the end.
Congrats to Advokaiser on being really good at predicting stuff