Gauntlet Crew Ranks Anime Movies II

Board 8

I think we need more participation... I'm glad people are still around but we used to have almost double this amount of people in the olden days. While it may not seem like it at the time, I think the lively discussions and arguments that happen were always what made Gauntlet Crew even when it was just gauntlet based. Those disagreements and arguments were always what kept things exciting I think.

PrinceKaro posted...
Genny: Imagine for a moment trying to set a PSX era RPG plot line to PS2 FMV level graphics and you pretty much have Appleseed. There's not a lot to say about it other than that it tries a little too hard and ends up coming across as a bit pretentious to me. There was definitely potential there for this to be a truly unique sci-fi experience, but it fails to connect on an emotional level so when 'x character betrays y' (which happens like three goddamn times in this movie) or when 'y character admits they have romantic feelings for z out of nowhere' (twice) I just do not care at all.

... But Nununu~!
Truly smilin'