Gauntlet Crew Ranks Anime Movies II

Board 8

Genny's Bottom 3 Anime II Characters

3. Kun - Mirai

Kun begins as this cute kid who's world is turned upside down when he's no longer the center of attention in his nuclear family. At first he tries to connect with Mirai as though she is another child, but of course the baby has no idea what's going on and as Kun isn't that much older he can't grasp why she's such a big deal. Whenever his attempts to steal the attention of his parents away from his new sister fail, he ramps up his obnoxious behavior culminating in what would've been an attempt on Mirai's life had his mother been even less attentive (which would have been quite a feat indeed as she's barely in the movie). Kun is a pretty realistic portrayal of a toddler presented with a situation they'd rather not be dealing with, but this is not the kind of protagonist I typically find compelling. Thankfully through a series of educational flashbacks, glimpses into potential futures, and genuine attempts to be less of a baby and more of a role model he does eventually mature, which is why he lands here.

2. Makoto Kobayashi - Colorful

I've said so much about Makoto already I really need not put another essay here so I'm only going to spare a couple sentences more. I don't recall hating any protagonist more than him in any medium, and I have plenty of experience with unlikable protagonists in literature, film, and video games. Part of it is that he reminds me of the worst aspects of myself at the worst period of my life, but dialed up to an 11 yes, but the fact that the movie never makes an active effort to redeem him outright and merely rather "sets him on the right path" hurts. It's roughly an hour of watching "Makoto" being an insufferable, judgmental misogynist, and about ten, maybe fifteen minutes if I'm being generous of watching him take baby steps in the right direction and it's just not enough to forgive him for all the agony he put me through.

1. Crack - Phoenix 2772

Of course, even the worst protagonist still has a purpose unlike this waste of space in a space film that had no space to spare. I accidentally called him "Jack or Jacque" in a previous post, but his name was actually Crack, and he can lick mine. This is the B.E.N. of Anime II, but instead of actively dragging a decent movie down he makes a mediocre movie infinitely worse. You wanna know the worst part? He didn't even need to be included. Crack added nothing to the cast or the film as a whole, and the only thing they needed from him was some phoenix-luring space juice they could've just stolen from him if only their moral compasses had led them astray. This dog-inside-a-die was the character I wanted to die the most so imagine my frustration when it managed to outlive most of the cast. Finally the phoenix eats him, and just as soon as I finally breathed a sigh of relief that I'd never have to see the damned dice dog again the phoenix only revives him along with everybody else in a Utopia all her own. Absolutely. Infuriating.
I'll never stop smilin'