Mock Bracket: Game of the 1980's

Board 8

Goomba Division

1) Super Mario Bros.
8) Donkey Kong 3

5) Phantasy Star - I like this fourpack. I think this match is pretty reasonably debatable, and I think it's perfectly fair for the winner to bow out gracefully afterwards.
4) Ghosts n' Goblins

6) Balloon Fight
3) Bubble Bobble

7) SimCity
2) Ninja Gaiden - Possible upset for SimCity here? Maybe! I doubt it, but I figured this might be an interesting place to have a semi-debatable 2/7. SimCity could have gotten a higher seed.

Barrel Division

1) Donkey Kong
8) Missile Command

5) Bomberman
4) Final Fantasy II - Bomberman could win here but I'm going to assume Final Fantasy eats apathy votes like crazy.

11) Adventure Island
3) Prince of Persia - I dunno, people seem to not believe in Prince of Persia but I think it can pull out a narrow win here.

10) Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
2) Duck Hunt - I feel a little bad for where I put Carmen Sandiego because it could probably go further based on memes alone, but it's not gonna get traction over Duck Hunt.

Shy Guy Division

1) Super Mario Bros. 2
8) Double Dragon

5) Marble Madness
4) Kid Icarus

11) King's Quest
3) Galaga

7) Final Fight
2) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Met Division

1) Mega Man 2
8) Golden Axe

5) Gradius - I dunno, just a hunch here. I don't think people care about Frogger very much nowadays, but Gradius is still cool.
4) Frogger

6) Excitebike
3) Punch-Out!! - I think this match is low-key sort of interesting. I think Punch-Out wins pretty easily but I have absolutely no idea how much strength it has, I can't recall seeing it in a contest before. By the way, I made a mistake here - this is supposed to be Mike Tyson's Punch-Out for the NES, not the arcade Punch-Out which I didn't include in the bracket. I kinda assume people will realize this though.

10) Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
2) Castlevania - All of the 2 seeds in this bracket are pretty strong and there's really no way to avoid a lot of blowouts in r2 because of it

Octorok Division

1) The Legend of Zelda
9) Street Fighter

5) Pitfall
4) Super Mario Land

6) Double Dragon II: The Revenge
3) Ms. Pac-Man - This could go either way. Hard to tell how strong Double Dragon is.

7) Bionic Commando
2) Dragon Quest - Bionic Commando might get an upset here but I doubt it. Maybe a few years ago, but Dragon Quest is established now.

Zoomer Division

1) Metroid
9) Tecmo Bowl

5) Rampage
4) The Oregon Trail - I don't think people care about Rampage too much.

6) Blaster Master
3) Contra - Someone said Blaster Master got a shitty draw and they were 100% right. I misused Blaster Master in this bracket badly and should have put it somewhere with a winnable r2 matchup.

7) Gauntlet
2) Metal Gear

Blinky Division

1) Pac-Man - If there is a debatable 1 vs 8/9 matchup in this bracket, it's this one... but, nahhhh.
9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game

5) Q*Bert
4) Donkey Kong Jr.

6) Dragon's Lair
3) Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

10) Minesweeper
2) Mario Bros. - But I wouldn't be surprised if Minesweeper won. Maybe I should have put it somewhere else in the bracket - pitting it against Mario was cruel.

Z-Block Division

1) Tetris
9) Joust

5) Ice Climber
4) DuckTales - Another pretty dull fourpack. I think DuckTales has vastly greater recognition as a great game here.

6) Dig Dug
3) Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels - I wasn't sure if I should even include this game, and by what name, but I did anyway. I would say don't sleep on Dig Dug but... yeah you can sleep on Dig Dug

7) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
2) Mega Man - Maybe some debate here? Mega Man is no Mega Man 2. I think it cruises though.