Air conditioning re-died.

Board 8

Board 8 » Air conditioning re-died.
100 degree weather coming 5 days in a row.
"we'll send someone Thursday".

Great. Just great.
This is, unfortunately, the sad reality. I had to live without AC for six days thanks to a storm two weeks ago. Thankfully it wasn't 100, but it was uncomfortably warm outside, which meant it was beyond uncomfortably warm inside. And this was all because my basement had flooded, so it wasn't like I could just sleep or hang out down there.
Video Game Music Contest 14 champion: Idola Phantasy Star Saga - Endeavour
Vornado Fans make everything better btw.

Even horrid heat.

I have 6 of them in my apartment. My life is good.

Sir Chris
Doom The Kanto Saga - Animated Series -
Or you could get a room unit A/C if you can find one. 6 floor fans might be a cheaper option, though.
Video Game Music Contest 14 champion: Idola Phantasy Star Saga - Endeavour
Despite best efforts to put fans just about everywhere it is still nearly 90 degrees inside.
buy a few ice packs and use them, put one in your pants and one in your shirt. desperate times call for desperate measures
Board 8 » Air conditioning re-died.