I'm going to watch a Horror Movie every day in October

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Board 8 » I'm going to watch a Horror Movie every day in October
Final list: Jaws/Alien/Killer Klowns From Outer Space/Trilogy of Terror/Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2/Hatchet/Night of the Living Dead/Child's Play/Evil Dead/Fire in the Sky/Poltergeist/Silent Hill/Return to Horror High/Rise of Leslie Vernon/Hostel/Head Count/Let the Right One In/Unfriended/Sinister/Nightmare on Elm Street reboot/The Hills Have Eyes/REC/Carrie/Insidious/Friday the 13th reboot/VHS/Siren/My Bloody Valentine/American Werewolf in Paris/Last House on the Left/The Thing. I think I am officially all horror movied out
We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
DAY 31.2: Ringu
On Shudder

Okay, so the American version of this movie is just better in every conceivable way. It just is. I can understand why this was as good as it is.

Ringu is about the explanation I gave for The Ring US.

It's crazy how much the American version actually lends from this. It just has a way to keep you on edge during the whole film, while in Ringu, it removes almost all of the creepiness from the middle of the movie. Ringu just doesn't keep you engaged, and the mystery isn't as interesting.

I know it's probably a product of it's time and culture, but it really does lack a lot. The human element is missing in this version as well. The scenes everywhere are just not nearly as impactful. They don't do as good of a job with the kid. The video isn't nearly as unsettling, with less random creepy BS thrown into it. I didn't find any character particularly likeable with any sort of personality.

I think the thing it does that is pretty strong is the background stuff with Sadako, which seems like the biggest departure. Even then, I feel like her scenes and background could have been made more creepy.

I don't know. It's a let down after watching the American version. I understand Ringu 2 is supposed to be better, but Ringu just feels very dated and I don't know if you're missing much if you decide not to watch it as a US The Ring fan.

Rating: 6/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
DAY 31.3: Come Play
In Theaters

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and have a lot of nice things to say about it.

Come Play is about a child with non-verbal disabilities whose parents each seem to have trouble taking care of him. One day, a monster named Larry tries to get him to read his entire story so he can come into the world to take him as his friend forever.

So this is a new director with a ton of promise. He made the horror short Larry, which is very good, and it was good enough to allow him to make this movie too! I would say this surpasses most short films that get turned into a full movie.

This might also be one of the best portrayal of a special needs child in a movie. Like, it deals with his issues in a respectful way and also shows the parents and their struggles with a child who has these issues as well. Neither one is perfect, but you can see how much they still love their boy.

As such, this movie has tons of heart. It goes into loneliness, treating others better, etc. It really feels like a feel good movie at times, despite freaking Larry.

Larry is god damned terrifying. I am actually impressed by how horrifying of a presence he is. He is done so well and literally everything he does works for the most part. The effects are great. And you're just always kept on edge because, for the majority of the movie, he can only be seen through a phone or tablet camera only. So they use that to perfection.

I have one drawback for this movie. They decided to try and give Larry a monologue to explain himself. Which... you didn't really need this. The way he does it is clever, but we didn't need details on how Larry came into being. And a couple of spots has a bit of hokey dialogue. But it really feels like minor stumbles in this movie, because everything else is really good.

By the end of the movie, it really does feel like a satisfying story. I'm hoping this means good things for the director, because he did an outstanding job with this for his first major movie release.

There's one more thing I found pretty interesting about it, but I think it's better to not really know about it before you watch it. And you should definitely watch it. It's a pretty powerful movie.

It gives you some Babadook vibes in terms of the story it wants to tell. So if you like Babadook for the human elements, I recommend checking this movie out too. I give it this high of a score based mostly on the really touching story it ended up telling.

Rating: 8/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
DAY +: Psycho (1960)
On Amazon Prime ($3.99)

So Psycho is probably one of my favorite horror movies and it's an absolute freaking classic.

Psycho follows a woman who steals money from her bank job and ends up staying the night at a motel run by a rather unsettling character.

I can honestly rant and talk about Psycho forever, but I'll try to keep it brief because holy shit I've done so many write ups I want to be done.

Psycho is the prototype for a lot of slasher movies. Black and white by choice, Alfred Hitchcock used it to push the envelope on what could be allowed in cinema and horror movies alike. Having a brilliant twist that I'm sure most people here know by now, just showed that horror movies could be more than what they were previously. They could be more than a simple exploitation film or monster flick.

The acting is superb. The narrative leads you into directions you never expect. There was a New Year's Day where a bunch of people who had stayed over at my buddy's place who was hosting a New Year's Eve party decided to all watch Psycho when it came on TV, and I was one of two people who actually saw the movie. I was absolutely shocked to see everything. This old black and white movie that was almost 60 years old, they consciously made the choice to watch this movie and found themselves so enthralled. Nobody left while they watched it. I was actually surprised because I thought I'd be alone is saying "Hell yeah, let's watch PSYCHO of all things."

I think that's a testament to just how good this movie is, even today. It still finds ways to shock people in modern day. And I always enjoy watching it and finding something new. Norman Bates is a character that is just outstanding in every way, and I can always watch any scene with him in it and enjoy it all over again.

Anyway, if you haven't seen Psycho, watch it. It's a classic and something brilliant, and horror movies wouldn't be where they are without it.

Rating: 10/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
My Horror Movie Ratings For October 2020!:

The Best of the Best:
Aliens - 10/10
The Conjuring - 10/10
Halloween (1978) - 10/10
Psycho (1960) - 10/10
Sinister - 10/10
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - 10/10
The Wailing - 10/10

Must Watch:
Drag Me To Hell - 9.5/10
The Haunting of Bly Manor (TV Series) - 9.5/10
The Ring - 9.5/10
Alien - 9/10
Hellraiser - 9/10
Insidious - 9/10
Oculus - 9/10
Spiral - 9/10
Black Christmas (1974) - 8.5/10
Host - 8.5/10
The Lighthouse - 8.5/10
Lovecraft Country (TV Series) - 8.5/10
Mara - 8.5/10
The Mimic - 8.5/10
The Taking of Deborah Logan - 8.5/10

Great Movies:
The Babysitter: Killer Queen - 8/10
Beach House - 8/10
Come Play - 8/10
Crawl - 8/10
The Empty Man - 8/10
Insidious: Chapter 2 - 8/10
Ju-On: The Grudge - 8/10
Killer Klowns From Outer Space: 8/10
The Monster - 8/10
The Room - 8/10
Still/Born - 8/10
Terrified - 8/10
Child's Play (2019) - 7.5/10
Coherence - 7.5/10
Creep - 7.5/10
Creep 2 - 7.5/10
Fright Night (1985) - 7.5/10
He's Out There - 7.5/10
The Hitcher (1986) - 7.5/10
Nightbreed - 7.5/10
Paranormal Activity (5): The Marked Ones - 7.5/10
Sleepaway Camp - 7.5/10
The Void - 7.5/10
Absentia - 7/10
Bad Hair - 7/10
Devil's Gate - 7/10
Haunt - 7/10
Knock Knock - 7/10
Mama - 7/10
My Bloody Valentine - 7/10
Summer of '84 - 7/10
Trick 'r Treat - 7/10

Pretty Good:
Eyes Without a Face - 6.5/10
Friday the 13th (1980) - 6.5/10
Friday the 13th: Part II - 6.5/10
The Grudge - 6.5/10
Lore (TV Series) - 6.5/10
The Ruins - 6.5/10
Scanners - 6.5/10
Children of the Corn - 6/10
Lake Mungo - 6/10
The Neon Demon - 6/10
Prom Night - 6/10
Ringu - 6/10
As Above So Below - 5.5/10
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight - 5.5/10

Below Average:
Eraserhead - 5/10
The Gallows: Act II - 4.5/10
The Nun - 4/10
Thinner - 4/10
Behind You - 3.5/10
Paranormal Activity (6): Ghost Dimension - 3.5/10
Coyote Lake - 3/10
Paranormal Activity 4 - 3/10

The Dinner Party - 2.5/10
The Gallows - 2.5/10
The Bye Bye Man - 2/10
Sinister 2 - 2/10
The Curse of Downer's Grove - 1.5/10
The House of the Witch - 1.5/10
The Sandman - 1.5/10
Slumber - 1.5/10
Deadcon - 1/10
Evil Eye - 1/10
Texas Chainsaw (3D) - 1/10
The Other Lamb - 0.5/10
When a Stranger Calls (2006) - 0.5/10
fear dot com - 0/10

The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Happy Death Day
Head Count
I See You
The Lodge
Ready Or Not
Scream Queens (TV Series)
Slasher (TV Series)
The Wretched
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Thanks everyone for following and making doing this enjoyable, even though I went crazy with the amount of movies I ended up watching! I ended up watching 90 movies which is outrageous, but horror movies have always been one of my passions and I got to watch more than I ever expected to and appreciate old ones I hadn't watched again in a while and watching brand new ones I hadn't seen before. They're a fun genre of movies that really offer a ton of creativity to them, for better or worse. And I think the fact that they can be so different is why I end up loving the genre so much.

I'll review movies more for as long as this topic stays alive and I happen to see another horror movie.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
Anyway, if you haven't seen Psycho, watch it. It's a classic and something brilliant, and horror movies wouldn't be where they are without it.

Rating: 10/10
Yeah, easily Hitchcock's best movie imo, done so well and on a pretty modest budget
azuarc wasn't even home. he was playing Magic the Gathering at his buddy's store, which is extremely easy to verify
Great topic this made Halloween an extra blast this year! You're simply insane with how many movies you were able to watch! i got a good bit of new recs to check out too.
Bare feet on the tile with my head up in the clouds
Yeah, normally I'm hitting up whatever local haunted houses I can, but with Covid being around and working from home, I could just watch horror movies all month instead.

I do miss haunted houses though. Moving cross-country made me excited to check all of them out but alas! Hopefully next year!
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Hulu cancelled Castle Rock. :(
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Well, I lasted all of five days without seeing something horror-related! I'll still do this for as long as people care/the topic lives.

On Netflix

So this is a low budget horror movie on Netflix made in Canada. And it's... actually a lot better than you'd expect.

A.M.I. is about a girl who loses her mother in a car accident and then believes the AI in her phone is her mother. Her AI also wants her to murder everyone close to her.

I don't know if I'm convinced this is actually a good movie, but for a dumb turn your brain off horror movie, this was fun. Like, alright. It's really dumb. And it gets really corny too. It's a twisted concept though, and you don't really need to take it too seriously since it does go for a bit of comedy here too. But a girl desperate to fill the hole her movie left with a murderous AI is enough of a premise to keep me hooked.

It's creative for the concept, and probably more ambitious than it has any right to be. I enjoyed my time watching it and thought it had enough creative kills to really keep you interested. So yeah, if you want to watch a horror movie where you don't have to pay attention much but want to still have a good time, watch A.M.I. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

Rating: 6.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Watched Spell, pretty solid voodoo movie. Has some downright disgusting and up-close shots of excruciating pain.
Bare feet on the tile with my head up in the clouds
Books of Blood
On Hulu

So we have the Book of Blood, also based on Clive Barker's anthology series Books of Blood, but this one is another take on it!

Books of Blood has three interwoven anthology series:

  • A girl who has serious anxiety issues goes on the run from her parents, but she soon suspects that the home she's staying at may not be safe.
  • A woman who recently lost her child runs into a medium who claims he can have her speak with him again, but she is skeptical.
  • Two hitmen hear of the mythical Books of Blood and aim to seek it out to retrieve it, sell it, and retire.
Overall, I think it was pretty good. Some effects were great, a lot of the visuals were chilling. It did a lot of good things with these stories, and they all were woven together nicely. I was less keen on some scenes, but I think the rest of it has enough quality to work. It don't know if the first one really went well with the others though? It felt a little out of place, even if it was completely fine.

I mean, it's solid. You probably won't be disappointed if you go into it expecting something fine.

Rating: 6/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
On Amazon Prime

This is the second of the "Welcome to Blumhouse" movies I've watched so far. And it's... pretty good.

Nocturne is about a pair of twins where one is considered a piano prodigy and the other is considered less talented. The less talented one finds a notebook that makes her become more obsessed with popularity like her sister.

It's your typical delusions of grandeur kind of story in which someone will do whatever necessary to become the best. There's a lot to it, but overall it's done well. Maybe not as well as movies like Black Swan or... shit, there's like another three movies of this same ilk I can't even remember. But it does a good job of it. I never felt particularly enthralled by it probably until the end, which is honestly pretty satisfying.

The strongest parts of this movie are strong, but there's a lot here that kind of meanders. It doesn't get particularly tense until the ending either. I can see why this made it to Welcome to Blumhouse because... hey, how do you market this thing? It's worth a watch if you want to see an interesting and dark take on college kids wanting to be the best at their art at any costs. But I think this could have been more than it was.

Rating: 6/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I read come play as child's play and was super confused for half the review

I was like "is the new one that different?"
then i realized i should stop drinking for tonight
Ahahaha Come Play is actually really good! Check it out, sober or not!
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
For Welcome to Blumhouse movies, I think Black Box was my favorite. The Lie was quite good as well in some regards, but not really Horror. Nocture was decent and passable, but you rated it already and know. I haven't seen Evil Eye yet.
Evil Eye I gave a 1/10 I believe. It's a bad Lifetime movie that they decided ended up too vaguely supernatural to be on Lifetime.

I wouldn't even bother with that one man. I was actually interested in seeing Black Box and The Lie though, so I'll probably check those out eventually.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
If you haven't yet Biscuit you should check out Possessor. Amazing psychological/body horror film from Brandon Cronenberg.
Bare feet on the tile with my head up in the clouds
I recall hearing about Possessor. What platform is it on?
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
No where free yet but 5 bucks on Amazon.
Bare feet on the tile with my head up in the clouds
Possessor is great. Easily worth 5 bucks.
I have an update eventually when I have time to write it!
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I just watched Coherence because of this topic. Great rec! Really fun. It reminded me of a much more digestible version of Primer.
Bells, bells, bells!
I'll post a few things about movies I've watched, but first I'm glad you enjoyed Coherence. I think it's such a wildly fascinating movie and when you research it, it feels like it shouldn't work nearly as well as it does.

But I watched The Wailing with my girlfriend tonight. I need to say on a second viewing there's so much more I picked up on. So so so very good and anyone who really likes horror movies needs to go out of their way to watch this sometime!
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Hell House LLC
On Shudder

This movie is pretty good.

Hell House LLC is a documentary-style found footage movie that follows the deaths of people who worked in a haunted house attraction.

I think it's a good, but ultimately pretty flawed movie, really. Let's start with the good: you don't necessarily hate the characters. They all make sense and they're doing what they can, even the one who is the asshole of the group. It does subtle storytelling well, but I hear it's done better in deleted scenes? And the scares, when they happen, are effective. There's a clown in this that's really, really effective.

The negatives are that this just doesn't do enough. What it does, it does well. The documentary/found footage style lends to that rather well. It also feels like it needed tightened up. Again, there are apparently deleted scenes that help with the narrative, but apparently also some that are too obvious about it? But I like to think by now you guys what I mean by tightened up. It's just a movie that really feels like the narrative needed to be more solidly paced.

It's a solid concept that probably could've used a bit more polish. But what we have here is a solid flick.

There's also apparently two sequels to this and it was made to be a trilogy? I have no idea how they can do it well enough.

Rating: 5.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
In Theaters

So I saw this movie in a drive-thru and... It could have been better.

Freaky is a Freaky Friday movie in which a meek teenager has her body exchanged with a serial killer.

Honestly, this probably could've been a lot better of a movie. It's not bad, and I enjoyed myself, but there felt like something was missing with this.

The first problem is that if you saw the previews, you saw basically all the great stuff with the movie. The funny parts are there, and some lines got me pretty good, but it feels like they could have done more with this concept, because it's so clever.

Vince Vaughn does a great job, and so does Kathryn Newton. Frankly, Kathryn Newton is a breakout star in the making. She's gold in everything I've seen her in. Her one gay friend is also great in this movie and he may have been my favorite character, but I feel like with this concept they absolutely put him in here to avoid backlash for some story elements.

It's a concept where they had an idea, but not a whole lot compelling to do with it? They have some heart-felt moments in it, a couple of which are pretty effective, but there's nothing done really effectively, and if you wanted to do a story with this, I feel like they should have focused on the protagonist and getting her to get brave and assertive rather than the sloppily put together story with her family they had.

Some comedy also felt a bit... Unrealistic? I won't spoil it, but it felt like they wanted to do a few jokes with the concept but it was just... weird how they got there.

If you're a horror fan, you'll enjoy it. It's not something I say you have to go out there and watch. During the weekend, my girlfriend and I watched a couple much more funny horror movies (Ready Or Not which she thought was outstanding, for instance). If you want to relax with something and have an enjoyable enough of a time though, it's worth checking out.

Rating: 6.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
On Some Weird App My GF Used

I've seen this movie before but my girlfriend really wanted to see it again. And it's still... Meh.

Ma is about a woman bullied as a child coercing a bunch of teens into partying in her basement and also she's kind of crazy and obsessed.

Like I said, it's kinda meh. If it weren't for Octavia Spencer's acting, this movie would be entirely forgettable. But she's an amazing actress and carries the film.

This movie feels like it was butchered into a script like ten drafts over because it's such a disjointed mess of a movie that has characters feel like they once played a bigger part, or they only put characters in for plot purposes.

Barring that, it's just not very interesting, and I feel like there's parts of this movie that, in prior scripts, gave us more development for a character who kind of gets murdered in a way that seems unnecessary? Like we're supposed to be in favor of him dying even though what he did was when he was a teenager and he's a grown ass man now. It was literally more than half his life ago, but it feels like a scene or two was cut that made us think he was an asshole still who deserved death.

There is so little that goes on here overall though and you really wish there was more insane bullshit going on by the end of it.

A dull, forgettable film carried by an all-star actress. That's all this is. But it's still enough to give it a decent score.

Rating: 5.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
The Roommate
On Netflix

So this movie is trash of the highest caliber. I never saw it until now but I remember it coming out. I like Aly Michalka a lot from iZombie though and said "Hey, I wonder what her likely awful first cinematic movie was." It was beyond awful.

The Roommate is about a girl who moves into college and her roommate is obsessive and clingy to a crazy degree.

This is a movie that, like Ma, feels like it went through many bad scripts. This movie, make no mistake, has no saving grace like Octavia Spencer. This movie is just so unbelievably shitty.

The roommate girl is just a psychopath. No reason given, except "lol she's off her meds". No trauma or anything which could elevate this complete shit show. Just... she isn't taking her drugs! Okay! But then there's nothing she does that's scary. It's just creepy bullshit and laughably bad proclamations like "Ugh you should have called me I was worried sick." Like bitch what? This is just dumb, not scary. Not thrilling. Just bad.

There is nothing in this movie that can even come close to a scare. The climax is pitifully weak, and you just don't have any reason to sympathize with psycho roommate. You just go "Oh, okay I hate this girl who is troubled because you don't give me any sort of reason why she's troubled."

And then the girl and her love interest have zero chemistry and just the most cringe dialogue ever and nothing feels natural and WOW it's bad.

The movie is just impressively bad. No bite. No depth. Nothing to even try to say. It's just an awful movie and doesn't deserve any sort of appreciation. I give it a pitifully low score because of it. It's the "At least it's not feardotcom" score.

Rating: 0.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
The Final Girls
On Hulu

So this is a fun one with Taissa Farmiga, Malin Akerman, Alia Shawkat, and Thomas Middleditch. You'll know them if you see them. It's a really fun horror spoof.

A girl's mom dies in a car accident who happened to be the star of a trashy slasher flick. Later, the girl and her friends all watch it in the theater, but something strange happens and they all wake up inside the movie and must survive against the killer using conventional horror movie tropes to end the movie.

Like I said, it's a very, very good spoof. Super funny. Great cast all around that makes this a totally awesome ride. It does a very good job joking with the genre and has a lot of really good, subtle things in it. The cast in this is full of a lot of people you don't know and some who are more practiced, but they're all really great.

It's a delight that actually has a LOT of heart in it somehow. I didn't think I'd get as emotionally invested as I ended up, but by the end I was sucked in completely, even with the somewhat goofy nature of it. It's a movie where you don't see anything coming, the laughs are a mile a minute.

If you want to watch a really funny horror spoof, check this out. You won't be disappointed!

Rating: 7.5/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
so how many did you actually watch in october
90! I cheated and counted one I watched on November 1st as well because I meant to watch it before October ended.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Look Away
On Amazon Prime

Look Away is a frankly bizarre movie that's fascinating and pretty good?

This movie is about a shy girl who ends up being motivated to not being pushed around by her reflection in the mirror that encourages her to stand up for herself. Soon, she begins to see that second part of herself taking her over.

When I say reflection, I legitimately mean her reflection. This movie is really, really interesting, but a bit flawed. I would never call it bad, but it's really just unique. You see a girl who, after her hard life where she feels picked on just a little too much, a part of her deep down manifests in this second personality.

And things escalate, and boy do they ever. It's just uncomfortable at times witnessing it, but you just... want to see what happens next. I'm surprised by how well this concept was pulled off. I think towards the end it gets a little clumsy, but what they do with this film is pretty bold. Much bolder than I expected, at least.

But hey, I recommend it. Check out Look Away.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I just watched Look Away yesterday. I had a similar review on the Horror board...

BakusaiTenketsu posted...
Look Away (2018)
Prime Video


Maria is an alienated high school student whose life gets turned upside down when she switches places with her sinister mirror image.

I feel oddly torn about my choice to watch this movie. I actually like the movie for the story it told, but I feel extremely guilty for liking it. There is a lot of nudity from the main star of the movie, India Eisley. She was mid 20s when the movie was filmed, but she appears younger than her age gives credit, and in the movie she portrays a 17 (almost 18 as dad [Jason Issacs] puts it) year old high school student. The lead actress is filmed masturbating, having sex, and appearing fully frontal nude in front of her father. It's a bit creepy if you let yourself think of it as voyeuristic of a minor, but if you can move past that, the movie itself does some decent story-telling about confrontation and taking control of your life when feeling bullied.

There are some undertones to be taken from the movie, and some assumptions that might need to be made by the audience. The movie is very dramatic, far more than it is horror, and it feels like an art house type movie, something you might see at Sundance or Tribeca. It seems like the type of movie that would be very divisive amongst viewers. If implied nudity of a minor is a turn-off, definitely avoid this, otherwise, you might enjoy it.

I totally get the nude minor thing, but I'm pretty good at justifying pretty much anything I watch as "These kids are really adults pretending" to justify like teenagers making out or screwing in trashy TV and movies. I went with it in much of the same way, but it did definitely make me uncomfortable, as is the intent.

I mean, it's in the name of the movie: Look Away. You want to look away, but you can't. Everyone else in the movie can and does look away though. And that's the core of it. But when the protagonist stops looking away is when she starts to take things into her own.

There's the one scene skating at the lake that is honestly so well done and absurdly chilling. That alone made me not want to give it less than a 7 because damn.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
**The Collector**
On Shudder

This move is pretty fun tbh.

The Collector is about a man who goes into a house to steal a diamond to pay off some lonesharks, but inside there seems to be a man collecting people, and loads of traps to keep his victims from escaping.

Honestly, it's just big goofy fun. I don't have a ton to say about it, but it knows what it is. It's a premise that is a little out there but really works. The kills are fun, but the movie does seem to get a little too indulgent. The plot is fine to get us through it. And the ending is predictable just because you know how silly the movie gets, but it works.

It's fun! I like fun horror movies! This fun horror movie is worth watching!

Also, Nico Vega's Beast is in the credits which I was pleasantly surprised by.

Rating: 7/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
On Shudder

So I have a backlog of movies I want to discuss, but I watched this last night and wanted to immediately throw this ahead of the rest. Because it's REALLY REALLY good.

Z is about a child who says he has an imaginary friend named Z. The child starts to act out more and become more violent, and soon the mother thinks she's seeing her son's imaginary friend.

If you guys remember Still/Born and how I was raving about that, get ready for more of that because it's by the same director. And if you think this premise is similar to Come Play... you're also right. And Z came before Come Play, and I feel like Come Play actually may have stolen some stuff from this movie, oddly enough.

But more about the movie: Z and this child are fucking scary. The director has such a grasp on how to make tense scenes work, how to shock you, just how to chill you at all times. I'm so surprised at how effective this was. Z, itself, when you do see it (which is saved for special occasions only and NEVER overused), is just such a scary presence. This movie also pulls no punches on violence and you're just... ugh, some parts just make you want to cringe, but it's all for the service of a really damn good ending. Shockingly good, even.

The story isn't tremendous, but it does such a good job with what it has. It really, really does do so many good things with the story to lead you to a memorable finale. I can't praise this film enough for everything is does so very well.

I compared it to Come Play before, and I think that comparison is still more than fair. But while Come Play gives you sincere quality through having loads of heart in this movie, this movie goes the opposite direction and tries to tear your heart from your chest. Come Play has very minimal violence, and Z will just mess your day up. Overall, I think they're very similar movies taken in two different directions. This is an outstanding film though, and I recommend people check it out.

Rating: 8/10
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Board 8 » I'm going to watch a Horror Movie every day in October
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