Board 8's Wrestling Match of the Week - The Return, Short Gems edition

Board 8

Bidoof's Match of the Week Recommendation (Week 4)

Super Shisa and Naruki Doi vs. Masato Yoshino and Milano Collection AT
Toryumon: Feliz Ano Nuevo 2004 - 1/31/2004
Match Link:

Man, Dragon Gate is getting more representation in this than I thought it would. I originally had a different match in mind but it's just hard to recommend a match that only goes about five minutes, even with this format. It's a great five minutes and if this gimmick makes a return then maybe I'll use it.

Anyways, welcome to Toryumon! For this exciting bout, you'll be watching a tiger man team with a baseball player to take on two dastardly fake Italians. Anyone who has followed Dragon Gate over the last few years might recognize a couple of the names here as both Doi and Yoshino have been pillars of the company for over a decade. But I'm mostly recommending this because of Milano Collection AT, who I don't feel gets talked about much anymore outside of being LIJ's announcer in NJPW. Milano looked and felt like such a future star at this time, kind of sucks that he never quite got there. This match is an example of what I feel is the best of an undercard Dragon Gate tag - good pacing, solid technical work, fun comedy spots, and it doesn't drag. I hope everyone enjoys it!