~Board 8's All Purpose Wrestling Topic Year End Awards Show! [APWT] ~

Board 8

I think what really helped Dragon Gate gain some momentum in the later part of 2020 is their new focus. You get the feeling that they used the time off to take a hard look at the booking, decide who needs to be elevated, and then commit to this new direction hard. Where a lot of promotions this year feel like they're in a holding pattern or are holding things back for the sake of wanting that crowd reaction, Dragon Gate is pushing forward. Fans got a lot of progression from them in a year where they ran only about half the year. Still, you had:

  • Eita coming into his own as the top heel of the company.
  • The return and coronation of Shun Skywalker, who looks to be one of the future pillars especially after forming his own group Masquerade.
  • The elevation of a lot of the younger guys, including Kaito Ishida, Kota Minoura, HipHop Kikuta, and especially SB Kento.
  • The wrapping up of the multi-year "generations war" story.
  • A heartbreaking conclusion to the story of Toryumon itself with the R.E.D. vs. Team Toryumon Loser Must Disband match.
That's a lot of meaningful progression for such a short period of time and it leaves me excited to see what Dragon Gate is going to do with 2021. This was a company I had given up on a couple of years ago and now I think I'm looking forward to their year the most.