Miles Morales was crazy fun

Board 8

I forgot how much I liked the first one, and I thought I was down on the whole open world thing due to sheer exhaustion, but man, it was awesome and I never once felt like it was a chore to get all the stuff. Partly because none of the collectables were particularly annoying (maybe a couple of the sound-based ones got a little annoying).

I'd take more open world games like this tbh. It was shorter, the map never got dauntingly overpopulated with guff, world is reasonably-sized, and I didn't feel like any of my time was being wasted playing it. Mostly because I really love the combat. That said, I liked the lengthier story of the first game too. I guess I'd like a game with a long and good main narrative, but MM's amount of side stuff. I guess it's a bit like the AC2/AC:Brotherhood relationship in that regard. I liked both of those games a lot, almost equally - Brotherhood has so much going for it even though it's shorter.

Two huge thumbs up! Can't wait to see what they do with the next one.
Not to be confused with XIII_stones.