Board 8's Match of the Week - Some More Good Matches [MOTW] [APWT]

Board 8

7-8 years really is an eternity in pro wrestling, isn't it? This match really feels like it happened in a completely different era of the entire wrestling world, not just New Japan. But damned if it doesn't still hold up. I haven't watched it in quite a while, and I'd forgotten just how many moments in it I love, particularly from Kojima's end. The lariat off the top rope. Pulling out some of his old moves and even some of Tenzan's (I can't imagine a Mongolian Chop has ever gotten a bigger reaction than the one it did in this match). And there have been many, many Rainmaker counters by now, but Kojima pulling Okada straight into the Western Lariat remains one of the absolute best.

It's easy to forget that we weren't super far removed from Kojima being the IWGP Champ going into WK5 at this point. He was clearly being cycled down the card, but it wasn't completely out of the realm of possibility that he could come out of this match with his arm held up. It was unlikely, but within the boundaries of imagination. And there's points in this match where the crowd really starts to believe in that, which is a hell of a testament to what these two put together. Okada was already a genius at laying out and structuring big title bouts by this defense, and I would be inclined to argue that outside of the obvious Tanahashi series, this is the one that went the farthest toward legitimizing him as someone who could be counted on to deliver anytime he needed to and as a serious main event star. There's nothing groundbreaking about the match itself, and yet they still manage to pack it full of emotion and things that surprise you and make it memorable. That's a true less-is-more approach in pro wrestling, not side headlocks in a four-way.

It's weird to think that this was the last match of any real importance that Kojima was ever involved in, especially when even now, he can still go at a higher rate than a not-insignificant percentage of the roster. And that's not even a slight on them - Cozy is just that good. Which reminds me, I really need to make time for that Ospreay match sometime soon.

Also, I didn't realize how much I kinda miss Gedo being in Okada's corner until now. Both are still great without the other, obviously, but hearing "Come on, Rainmaker, COME ON!" and seeing them do the pre-match handshake and then the Rainmaker pose in unison later on was definitely a nostalgia hit.

Anyway, yeah. Everyone knows this match is really good. Very much enjoyed seeing it again.
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