My PS4 Extended Hard Drive just decided to stop working

Board 8

Board 8 » My PS4 Extended Hard Drive just decided to stop working
So a bunch of my stuff is on there, and for whatever reason I'm now getting the "file type is not supported" error.

PS4 is fully updated.

Is there any way around this without deleting all the data off of my fucking 2TB hard drive?
Not to be confused with XIII_stones.
Not to be confused with XIII_stones.
mmph. nobody else had this issue?
Not to be confused with XIII_stones.
Mine does that all the time, I was able to get stuff transferred over to it once, and then I haven't been able to access it again since. This was about six months ago. It's really bad
Epic Seven IGN ZeroThe13th
So does mine.
after reading these posts, Remind me to never buy this crappy hard drive
Jesus christ, this is fucking awful

Guess I'd better check the cloud saves to see if it all uploaded?
Not to be confused with XIII_stones.
Lolo_Guru posted...
So does mine.

Did you just lose all the data?
Not to be confused with XIII_stones.
Save data is never kept on an external for the PS4, it always is kept on the system itself. So at very least those should all be fine
azuarc may not know the strength of songs in VGMC, but he conquered the guru in Game of the Decade 2! Congrats!
Board 8 » My PS4 Extended Hard Drive just decided to stop working