Monster Hunter movie

Board 8

Board 8 » Monster Hunter movie
watching the Monster Hunter movie

where are the lance and gunlance users

smh fucking got rekt by Diablos in the beginning
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I saw this in the theater.
Once it started getting good it just...stopped.
I'd Rather Be A Savage Little Elephant, than be a big Bald Bull
"I claim one line in your sig" = TheKnightOfNee
yea that was weird, just finished it

looks like they were going for a sequel at the end there, probably going to be the next big billion dollar franchise

the first 30-40 minutes had pacing issues, no idea why Milla Jovovich has a 15 minute fight with Tony Jaa but other than that it was a solid movie
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what kinda knees are these
(|| ' ' ||) "Your First Thought" - A (sometimes) daily topic series 'bout thinkin':
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It was very bad
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
Wait this actually came out?
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
I refuse to watch this anti-china propaganda
Board 8 » Monster Hunter movie