Wanted to share an awesome Smash Ultimate moment w you guys [Sans] [Sephiroth]

Board 8

So Sephiroth came out in Smash late last year and obviously we all freaked out about it, and I personally am never allowed to complain about anything ever again.

Since then I've been exclusively playing Sephiroth online. It's been fun. I've gotten decent but am still trash. Anyway, the point is, I hadn't been following Smash news much before the Sephiroth reveal. I had heard something about Sans getting into Smash as a Mii Fighter costume, and I know someone had trolled me on here about it but it kind of went in one ear and out the other.

I don't know what day it was, but it was at least a month after Sephiroth was released and I was getting online after work to put some grinding in to get better, which was something I did every night just about since Sephiroth came out. Usually this is a peaceful time for me to enjoy my favorite game. My girlfriend usually plays on her phone behind me and watches me either yell about the opponent using cheap characters or having bad connection. That or relentlessly shit talk.

All of the sudden the Vs. screen pops up. Sephiroth vs....



I literally shout WHAT THE FUCK??? and my girlfriend is very confused by my reaction as I'm instantly put into a state of frothing anger about it. This is compounded when fucking MEGALOVANIA starts playing on whatever stage we're on.

And it's compounded EVEN FURTHER when I start getting my shit absolutely MIXED because I haven't fought a single Mii Gunner yet and have no clue what to fucking do. So "Sans" takes my first two stocks relatively easily while I'm getting used to him. My girlfriend can't figure out why I'm so particularly animated over this opponent but I tell her I'll explain later. Anyway, I get his first stock off him, and early into his second stock I get a Shadow Flare shield break into an extremely early Giga Flare KO and the match is ON, even though I'm at like 85% on my final stock and he's just starting his.

But as we all know, with One Winged Angel in effect, and Sephiroth's ABSURD damage output, comebacks are not far fetched. I just have to avoid Sans' two or three really spammable kill moves. Fortunately for me, he's relied on them WAY TOO HEAVILY for the first part of the match and I'm starting to read him. And he falls into a Shadow Flare one more time. It's not this way any more, but back when Seph first came out, getting Shadow Flare on someone made them ABSOLUTELY PANIC, and this guy had JUST lost a stock because of it moments ago so he was running the hell away from me, making it easy.

I whacked him off stage, just as the shadow flares hit, but he didn't quite die. In his panic though he used his air dodge. Anyone who mains Sephiroth knows when an off-stage opponent panic uses their air dodge, your eyes light up. I had to do it. I leap off, time it just right, and then BOOM DOWN AIR SPIKE KILL TO COMPLETE THE COMEBACK.

Cue the biggest, most obnoxious pop off of my life.




Then i turned around and started to explain to my gf the history of Board 8 and Undertale but about 90 seconds in she tuned out and I was back to fighting randoms

I haven't come across another Sans player yet but I know the day will come when I'll have to teach that meme game trash another lesson in pain.

Anyway, figured you guys would appreciate this
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505