Just beat Control. Is Alan Wake worth playing?

Board 8

Board 8 » Just beat Control. Is Alan Wake worth playing?
Still need to do the DLC that unlocked after the game, but overall I really enjoyed the game.

The game did start to get a bit repetitive in terms of combat, but never to the point where I was completely sick of it. And I was surprised that I actually ended up using all of the weapon forms (aside from the one from the Investigations sector).

The inventory management was kind of ass though. Would've liked to see either more inventory slots or a different system that didn't require me to constantly break down mods. Also the map was...not the best. But I hear it was worse at launch?

Anyway all of the references to Alan Wake have me intrigued and I'm wondering if I should give it a shot. I'm really not into horror, but I hear it's not really a straight horror game. Worth a look?

It's got a good story. The gameplay isn't the best, however- its very repetitive with not a lot of enemy variety. I enjoyed it a decent bit when it came out, but it probably feels pretty dated these days. And yeah, it's not really straight horror. It's more like a horror atmosphere without actually being horror most of the time. It's got a lot more in common with stuff like darker episodes of The Twilight Zone (which its heavily based on).

I'd recommend it if you are interested in it, personally.
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KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
If you smell what the rock is cooking he's cooking crap - ertyu
Yeah Alan Wake is amazing! In addition to Twilight Zone it also takes a lot of inspiration from Stephen King.
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I never played Alan Wake until about a year ago, and it doesn't feel dated. The graphics even look pretty decent on my XboneX.
People come up to me... concerned.. that I'll reproduce." - Emo Philips
tcaz2 posted...
It's got a good story. The gameplay isn't the best, however- its very repetitive with not a lot of enemy variety. I enjoyed it a decent bit when it came out, but it probably feels pretty dated these days. And yeah, it's not really straight horror. It's more like a horror atmosphere without actually being horror most of the time. It's got a lot more in common with stuff like darker episodes of The Twilight Zone (which its heavily based on).

I'd recommend it if you are interested in it, personally.

Yeah I agree with this pretty closely. The story was very interesting but the gameplay was kinda meh even when it first came out. Id still say its worth checking out if youre interested though.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
Agree with tcaz and Suprak. It's closer to horror than Control gets but Control is a much tighter game overall. Writing and atmosphere is what you're in it for, and it does pretty well on those fronts. Definitely worth a try.
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Yes. The controls are a little clunky, making the mob encounters and boss battles frustrating to say the least. However it's worth playing for the soundtrack alone which is especially rewarding when experienced within context of the game, not to mention the unique and concise story it tells. I guess the plot isn't for everyone, but I liked it.

Are they still working on a sequel or is that dead? @Snake5555555555
I'll never stop smilin'
Most likely dead but a lot of ideas for the sequel went into Control and its DLC and they still have floated the idea here and there. If I had to guess they would focus on the Control universe from now on and just incorporate any AW-related ideas into that.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
https://imgur.com/a/du8zgsT - https://imgur.com/a/VTNzDEW
I played through Alan Wake, the DLC, and American Nightmare a year or two ago.

The original game is fine but nothing special. I thought the DLC did things I wish they had just done in the main game. American Nightmare is a damn good summation of the gameplay except it only takes 1/3 of the time to finish.

I've not played Control but I'd say you should give Alan Wake a shot, just know that it's not an amazing 10/10 or anything like that.
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Board 8 » Just beat Control. Is Alan Wake worth playing?