How was reddit able to ascend to being the 'front page of the internet'?

Board 8

The point of reddit is depersonalization. Message boards like this put the username front and center, and emphasize the linear thread of discussion. Reddit actively fights against that. It instead wants to distill the average sentiment of the public into a single manufactured thread.

It is very common for person A to make a statement, person B to ask a follow up question, and then a completely different person C answer the follow up question in the voice of A. So a convo on gfaqs which would be between 2 people responding in turn, is instead 50 different people all responding out of order, and then getting sorted and filtered by the votes into the final conversation you see in the top comments. Check out AskOuija for the clearest example of this.

Individual people commenting don't matter at all. It's like a wiki more than anything.

So that's why it's really popular. By design it shows you the average sentiment of the internet at that given moment. Without all the individuality getting in the way.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance