How was reddit able to ascend to being the 'front page of the internet'?

Board 8

reddit is really, really good for specific hobbies or fandoms. the most interesting or useful information gets brought to the top and then potentially/eventually added to a sidebar or sticky.

arguing about stuff on reddit isn't a fun time, but it's not like arguing on gamefaqs is a great experience either.

a primary argumentative tactic on gamefaqs is for people to just flood the topic while ignoring any points that conflict with their stance. it's absolutely miserable and toxic.

think about how many topics on gamefaqs are 40% nonsense, 20% people trying to argue with nonsense, and 40% people saying "ugh just stop replying to the nonsense"

on reddit, your little pseudo-community can downvote the obviously terrible threads. on gamefaqs, you just have to wait and hope that the mods will ban it.

a good example might be vlado's old nationalism/race realism politics thread series that we had to tolerate for years. it didn't matter that it disgusted 90% of the board, it got to be representative of our community because vlado hadn't done anything technically banworthy. in fact, i'm just assuming it's gone because i put it on ignore.

i've always viewed board 8 as a windowless room with poor ventilation where you can't throw people out. I'll admit that the ignore feature has helped a lot, but up/downvotes still have their perks
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.