Oscars Tonight

Board 8

The problem with politics and the oscars is that it's all so transparently performative. Ever since #oscarssowhite they've been obvious and blatant in promoting a brand of neoliberalism that is easily called out as being disingenuous. The speed in which they were able to go from an all-white slate of nominees to this one just shows how arbitrary the whole project is and it gives the impression that any and all political statements made are solely for identity politics/representation.

That said, going even more political probably isn't the answer. Any time an actor tries to push the envelope beyond a Disney-fied sense of diversity and inclusivity, that actor is usually memed and ridiculed (like Joaquin Phoenix last year with the dairy critiques). But the answer also isn't to embrace centrism, which Tyler Perry literally did on Sunday night in one of the grossest speeches I've ever heard.

Probably they need to adopt more of a Emily Dickinson-esque "tell the truth but tell it slant" approach. No need to be self-congratulatory about how diverse your noms are and how the industry has changed (when it actually hasn't really). There's no need to abandon projects of advancing minority filmmaking - Just be less self-serving about it. Also tell a few jokes every once in a while.

I'm not an expert or anything; those are just my thoughs.
while you slept, the world changed