Does anyone know ASL?

Board 8

Board 8 » Does anyone know ASL?
My nephew is non-verbal, but he's making a sign with his hand that my sister thinks is some ASL he picked up. He twists his wrist to make sort-of-not-really a gun, with his ring and pinky in, middle partway in, and index pointed. It's not meant to be a gun since he keeps doing it and isn't pointing it at anyone. Can anyone tell from my description what he's trying to sign?
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Props to azuarc , the current Guru of the Decade.
Wear this title with pride!
Ogre/20/My swamp
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.
if nobody knew ASL that wouldnt be a very useful language would it
Kneel... or you will be knelt
I am Nick. Go Sens, Bills, Blue Jays!
UotY 2015, You should listen to The Show w/ Ngamer and Yoblazer
He is signaling that he is a velociraptor.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
Is he learning ASL at school? If not, then I doubt it, thats not really something you just pick up. If yes, then why isnt his mother learning it too in order to communicate with him?
Board 8 » Does anyone know ASL?