How does this pre-built PC look? Good deal??

Board 8

Board 8 » How does this pre-built PC look? Good deal??

I've been out of the PC building game for a while, so I'm not SUPER super up-to-date on what the best parts are. But this looks like a good price to me?? Especially with how much graphic cards go for these days... one thing that pops out at me is no SSD, but I DO have an SSD already.

My big worry is, since this is a prebuilt, will I be able to swap parts? I know some companies use custom parts that you can't replace with off the shelf parts
I think replacing anything would void the warranty, which is a risk you have to be aware of. I think an SSD is mandatory for pretty much anything now, so that's something you'd need to do. The graphics card is pretty impressive, so if that's your main priority then knock yourself out, but I think the processor is a bit lackluster for that price and with no SSD, you could probably do better for the price. I'd recommend taking a look at PC Specialist stuff and custom ordering one - it might be a bit pricier overall if you want a graphics card that good, but you can probably get an upgrade on every other part. Hell, you could probably get a laptop with better everything and the same graphics card, for about the same price as this PC plus an equally good monitor/peripherals.
Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.
Oh really? I hadn't even considered a laptop.
Board 8 » How does this pre-built PC look? Good deal??