Board 8, what are some good podcasts?

Board 8

I only listen to podcasts when I'm doing something else. I listen to it at work in the office, or when I'm playing a video game that maybe doesn't require my full attention the whole time. IE I wouldn't listen during a shooter like Valorant or Doom but if I'm grinding in WoW or growing my crops in Stardew Valley I'll probably have a podcast on.

Listening to them in the car seems like not a bad idea but I find actually finding something to listen to and arranging it so it's playable to be too onerous for the short period of time driving takes.

That said, I do often have the associated youtube video up on a second monitor that I glance at often, which does add a lot. Bad Friends I've never listened to audio only - I've neverr thought of it as visually necessary to see their shenanigans in the studio but i do like watching them so maybe it does have an impact.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG