How Many Haslab Galactuses Should I Buy?

Board 8

Board 8 » How Many Haslab Galactuses Should I Buy?
How Many Haslab Galactuses should I buy?


This is Marvel Legends Haslab Galactus. A massive 32" figure of the big man himself, and the latest Hasbro kickstarter-esque campaign (which just recently got all the backers it needed). It's a really cool figure, but that coolness comes at a price.... $400..

I've been having this weird debate in my head about the Haslab Galactus. If I got one of them, well, that's the most money I've ever put down for a single figure before. Now I really like Galactus, and he's pretty much the only Haslab project I can think of that I'd ever go in one. And while it's not like buying this guy puts me in any hole, I can get one without it affecting my daily life in any way, but even so I have a bunch of older toys I've been meaning to sell anyway so I could probably recoup the cost if needed.

But.... if I buy two.... well now hey, a mint sealed Galactus is probably going to go for a lot of money down the road. The last Haslab ML figure, the XMen Sentinel, was about $350 and now goes for nearly $1000 on ebay (and the Sentinel isnt even OUT yet, people are paying that much just for the promise of getting one). If I buy two.... I'd basically be MAKING money, you know?...
as many as you can afford
Take out a loan to get more
All good points
rip imgcake
Emperor of Board 8
We swore that death will do us part, they'll call our crimes a work of art.
Yeah, if you can afford it.

I bought five Tournament of Power booster boxes for less than $80 a piece. Check them out on eBay now.
Last minute changes killed my bracket - still would've got destroyed by azuarc
Shaduln posted...

"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
I have no interest in Galactus but now I might just buy this to resell later.
How many sentinel preorders were there compared to the current number of Galactus backers?

Is this a situation where sentinel is heavily marked up because it wasn't backed by as many people and the galactus market is going to be flooded?
Forceful_Dragon posted...
How many sentinel preorders were there compared to the current number of Galactus backers?

Is this a situation where sentinel is heavily marked up because it wasn't backed by as many people and the galactus market is going to be flooded?

I believe there will be more Sentinels on the market than Galactuses. One, I think more people backed Sentinel. Two more people bought multiple Sentinels for themselves, whereas most people are only getting one Galactus.
I mean, isn't just really a question of how confident you are that you'll profit off these? If you think you can at the very least break even and get what you paid for one, why not buy as many as you can?
Wow...that thing is over two and a half feet tall... The box it'll come in will be even bigger, so if you buy multiple, make sure you'll have room to store them all.
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
Congratulations to azuarc, the guru of gurus and winner of GotD 2020!
I guess my inclination on this (and sorry that this is so boring,) is that if you want to invest your money there are other ways to do it that don't require storing a 32'' figure until you can sell it.
I'm playing every game from GotD 2020! Games Completed: 20/129
Currently Playing: Dark Souls
Yeah, invest in another property

And then FILL it with Galactuses!
**R.O.B.A.Z.O.I.D** (On mobile)
Board 8 » How Many Haslab Galactuses Should I Buy?