Board 8 Discords #wrestling's Match of the Week - now featuring 100% less Punk

Board 8

Well. I can at least guarantee there is 100% less Punk in my featured match this week.

Crazy MAX (CIMA, Don Fuji, SUWA) vs. Do FIXER (Genki Horiguchi, Susumu Yokosuka, Magnum TOKYO) vs. Shin M2K (Kenichiro Arai, Dragon Kid, Masaaki Mochizuki) vs. Italian Connection (Masato Yoshino, Shuji Kondo, Milano Collection AT)
Toryumon, Verano Peligroso 2003 (8/30/2003)

Match Link:

Confession time - this has been kind of a hectic week for me professionally and personally. I guess shame on me for expecting anything different going into a holiday weekend. I had something completely different lined up for you guys but the link I had saved on my original spreadsheet for tracking MotW suggestions is dead and I can't find an alternate version of anything approaching decent quality. So I went with the old stand-by - Toryumon/Dragon Gate action. Funny how this promotion keeps finding its way into various recommendations.

Normally I would give you some insight into the story going into this match but honestly? This match doesn't need it. In the grand tradition of multi-stable Toryumon tags, this match is just one gigantic spotfest. You're going to see some exciting high-flying, inventive team offense, and some fun comedy that doesn't take you out of the match (unlike a certain other recent match I saw from a popular company). There's no real "down" period to this match and thus the nearly 30 minutes flies by. It's kind of the perfect match for a holiday, something that is very good but you don't really need to have your brain on for it. Just sit back, relax, and watch a bunch of Japanese guys bust their ass to a hot crowd. I hope this puts a smile on your face like it did mine.