Board 8 Discords #wrestling's Match of the Week - now featuring 100% less Punk

Board 8

Took advantage of there not being anything really interesting happening tonight wrestling-wise to watch this, so let's go.

There's three things the Toryumon system consistently does better than any other company around: nonstop action, enjoyable and harmless silliness, and legitimate moving emotion. In a multiman match like this, you're pretty much guaranteed to get both of the first two at minimum, and this match delivers there.

I have a reputation in our little circle here for being "super serious anti-fun" guy in wrestling. On one hand, it's well earned. On the other hand, I think the actual truth of the situation is that most wrestling companies just suck at doing fun. These guys don't have that problem, so even though the first fifteen minutes of this match are primarily comedy, I still had a great time with it. After all, so much of comedy is in good timing, and if there's one thing you can trust the Toryumon system to beat into every worker that ever came through it, it's good timing.

And then when the match picks up toward the end... Well, I mean, just look at the ridiculous talent in that lineup. CIMA, Susumu, Mochi, and the freshly retired Yoshino (sad face) are all-timers in every sense of the term. Genki is the best tag team "glue guy" ever, full stop. Milano and Dragon Kid are as smooth and creative as they come. Even outside those guys, there's no weak point here; they all bottom out as being very good, and they play their small roles to perfection in a match like this.

You won't see a match like this anywhere else, for the simple reason that no one else could pull it off. Which is a good thing, because I wouldn't want every match to be like this - as previously stated, I certainly love my epic struggles through sport. But did it put a smile on my face like Bidoof hoped? Heck yeah, it did. It always does.