Board 8 Discords #wrestling's Match of the Week - now featuring 100% less Punk

Board 8

That was a fun chaotic silly match. Best large group spot was the queue bit.

Only guy I know by sight in this match is Milano who is always good. Honestly my biggest problem with the match is that by the half way point my favorite team was Shin M2K who got eliminated first.

One thing I am confused about is the face/heel dynamics here. I assumed from the beginning that FIXER must be the biggest heels since every other team repeatedly worked together against them and many refused to work with them (leading to a great betrayal spot 20+ minutes in when two teams are working against them only for one to betray and instead work with them). But then they pulled out instruments after the group submission and the crowd cheered like crazy to rally their team back. Does this fed just not really do normal Face/Heel or did I completely misread the situation?
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris