Board 8 Ranks Animated Movies 3: Signup/Info Topic

Board 8

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Board 8 » Board 8 Ranks Animated Movies 3: Signup/Info Topic
Merry almost christmas!
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff
All finished. Now just have to do half the writeups and maybe a couple rewatches for refreshers
less than a week to go!
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff

Like to remind you all that it only three days to deadline and ping a few people that I have not received lists from yet to see if they still mean to participate.
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff
I won't be able to get it in in time, sorry. Only five or six films left but I've got no writeups and no time for weeks to finish the watches let alone in the next few days. And frankly I don't think I can stomach having to watch the Trolls franchise for anything other than a retirement fund and/or pain of death right now.
Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.
I'm just finishing up the last few films, I'll probably get my list in on like the 14th.
I'm playing every game from GotD 2020! Games Completed: 20/129
(Currently on Hiatus)
cool, cool.

For those who are curious we are looking at 6-7 expected participants.
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff
Finished and sent!
Aw man I'm going to fall 9 films short. Ah well. I'll definitely be following along with the rankings though!
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
Finally finished up my list and sent it via email, let me know if you got it and everything is in order.
I'm playing every game from GotD 2020! Games Completed: 20/129
(Currently on Hiatus)
Evillordexdeath posted...
Finally finished up my list and sent it via email, let me know if you got it and everything is in order.

Yes, I got it :)
Congrats to azuarc on being really good at predicting stuff
Board 8 » Board 8 Ranks Animated Movies 3: Signup/Info Topic
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