Life is Strange: True Colors Discussion Topic

Board 8

I won't be able to start the game myself until after work tonight, but I figured I'd make a topic now to let people know True Colors is out.

I'm going into this pretty hyped. All I know about the game is what the first trailer showed me, but it's been getting good reviews. It's almost as highly rated as the original Life is Strange, last I checked. Plus it's made by the people who made Before the Storm, which for me is tied with LiS as the best game ever. Whether anyone in this new game will match the greatness of Chloe remains to be seen, though! I never did get around to playing Life is Strange 2, the concept simply didn't interest me, but True Colors looks a lot closer to the original in spirit.

Anyway, I'd be interested in comments if anyone else goes through this right away like I plan to.