Life is Strange: True Colors Discussion Topic

Board 8

I finished chapter three, but I won't post any spoilers or anything, just general feelings so far. I'm enjoying True Colors quite a bit! It definitely has the essence of a Life is Strange game, lots of wandering around looking at things, moments to sit quietly and ponder, a neat supernatural power that they're using well, and so on. I'm taking my time with it and there's lots of little things to discover. For the most part the characters are interesting and well written. No one is up to the level of Max/Chloe/Rachel but that was always an unrealistic bar for any game to clear. Alex is still pretty great.

I have a few nit-picks, but that would be true of any video game. The pros more than outweigh the cons. Unless this flubs the later parts of the game super hard somehow (which, uh, LiS has arguably done twice before), I'd say it's a worthy entrant into the franchise.