Life is Strange: True Colors Discussion Topic

Board 8

HaRRicH posted...
LiS:BtS is highly overrated due to losing mechanics that distinguish it from games like The Walking Dead
I suppose this is where I get tripped up because, to me at least, LiS was never differentiated by the time mechanics. I'm probably sounding like a broken record at this point, but it was the atmosphere, taking things slow, etc, that made it unique next to other choice-based adventure games. BtS had that LiS atmosphere in spades, along with the greatest fictional character ever as lead! Chloe had sass, she didn't need no time powers. (Please forgive me for fanboying out)

As for you and True Colors, the empathy power definitely doesn't pack the same punch as the time power did. I mean, I enjoyed the empathy and thought it was handled well, but emotions just fundamentally can't be integrated into gameplay like time powers can be. If that's your primary draw to LiS, I'd at least wait for the game to get a bit cheaper
**R.O.B.A.Z.O.I.D** (On mobile)