B8 Discord #wrestling's Match of the Week - A Turn away from Toryumon

Board 8

Very fun match. Everyone knows this period of wrestling is a pretty big blind spot for me, but everything that I have seen from it (i.e. specific recommendations made from people with taste I trust that ignore all the lousier stuff) has been quite enjoyable.

Hard to give many super specific "takez" on it because, as Ed said, it's almost just a prototypical example of how to work a dynamic like the one these two teams had, but I will say I was surprised at how few things that I expected to bug me were present in this match. Cornette's involvement is minimal and has no bearing on the finish, there's no long and boring control period by the heels, etc. The one thing I'll disagree with is that I don't think it would fit in on current AEW programming. That's not an insult - it's just very much a departure from the formula that tag wrestling in 2021 has seemed to settle into pretty much the world over. I could go into more specifics on that feeling but it would involve a long, almost blow-by-blow account of the whole 20-minute contest and I don't think anyone wants to read that.

Want to shout out the commentary, too, because it also gives off a very different feel than what you hear in today's American TV wrestling. It's a lot more conversational and less of a "production," if that makes sense. You never get the sense they're trying to force excitement or put on their own personal show apart from the match or fill time with trite platitudes; they just call the action and make small comments for happenings that would naturally prompt them. It's very refreshing.

Just good stuff. It's probably nothing I'll remember for a long time if for no other reason than that the overall presentation still falls a bit outside my personal sensibilities, but I think it's something that pretty much every wrestling fan can watch and get at least some degree of enjoyment from.