Outer Wilds DLC - today (spoilers but not in post 1)

Board 8

I beat it! Spec-tacular.

Figuring out to die at the green fire for the third seal was the most satisfying final puzzle solution ever.

I was confused at the ending when the Hearthian player character gives his own vision the first time, not really realizing I was using the vision torch to do that and not just recieving another vision from the prisoner. (This led me to thinking he was somehow one of the Nomai or something when they got to the Nomai landing in Dark Bramble.) But in hindsight, duh. Thank you Outer Wilds wiki for clearing up any confusion and for putting all the pieces together of the Prisoner's journey.

Time to go beat the main game again! I'd already heard to do this from a podcast, but I also think it would have been pretty obvious to do it after meeting the Prisoner. I'm guessing he'll ne at my campfire!? We'll see what else awaits.
- Blur -
Welcome to your Divinity.