What is the definitive way to play FF Tactics nowadays?

Board 8

Board 8 » What is the definitive way to play FF Tactics nowadays?
Is there any version that has the:

Original Translation
WoL additions
Reduced Load Times/Load times equal to the original.

I'm not very familiar at all with the fan mod scene, but looking to do a replay through the game and want it to be the best it can be.
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The original translation is ass
rip imgcake
The new translation is trying way, way too hard for me.

Plus then we lose out on this:

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The purple prose of the War of the Lions sucks
Reading it, especially out loud while streaming, is painful.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
It would have to be a very specific (illegal) mod as far as I know. The WoL extras would probably need to be detranslated from scratch to match the original prose.
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To be perfectly honest, WotL is just swamp ass all over. The extras range from just bad to ok, but not really worth it. The only reason I bother with it is because its Tactics on my phone (and the phone versions did at least fix the load time issue).
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Still just the PS1 version. It's absolutely baffling to me that nobody has put any work into some type of definitive edition, at least from what I can find. Maybe the assets aren't easily manipulatable as one may be lead to believe from the look?

Considering I can still hold select, press up and down on the D-pad, and completely scramble the abilities....I can't imagine that's the case.
PS1 original
KingButz posted...
The original translation is ass


Stands the test of time
You should try The Lion War mod, then
Congrats to azuarc for winning the 2020 GotD Contest
"I like goldfish." Godric
I'm looking at 1.3 and that looks pretty promising. JP Up as a default passive sounds wooooooooooonderful.
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Leonhart4 posted...
The purple prose of the War of the Lions sucks
This is the truest thing Leon has ever said. As far as I'm concerned, the PS1 version is still definitive, at least as far as legal releases go.

Why is it that Square goes through the trouble of retranslating games, and getting the biggest absolute bellends to do it every single time?
Props to azuarc , the current Guru of the Decade.
Wear this title with pride!
1.3 is unabashedly a difficulty hack, so I'd be careful using it if that's not what you're looking for.
Congrats to azuarc for winning the 2020 GotD Contest
"I like goldfish." Godric
Yeah it also has some big visual glitches I'm not a fan of, I will be streaming this game so eeeeeeeeh. Might just go with Vanilla here.
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I'll recommend LFT, it rebalances a lot of the game - knights have innate def and mdef up, archers have innate ignore height, stuff like that. It also has default gained jp up but isn't quite as difficult as 1.3 (outside of the deep dungeon and Goland anyway)
Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.
Can you DM me that? I can't seem to get the graphics working quite right.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
Surprised by this. I always felt like I was missing out by not playing WotL.
~Jacksonville Jaguars~
Board 8 » What is the definitive way to play FF Tactics nowadays?