Damn, no Survivor topic?

Board 8

Board 8 » Damn, no Survivor topic?
I mean, this season has been pretty ass but I figured there would at least be a discussion of some kind.

Jeff clearly had way too much time to himself to think through Lockdown and the amount of twists, rules, and stipulations is getting to be way to complicated for a show that works perfectly well when it's at it's default rule set. I still think he doesn't understand that Twists don't make the show interesting, human beings do.

Casting is decent though, but man it's hard to see their personalities bloom much when everyone is trying to wrap their heads around all the advantages/disadvantages, rule changes, and hastened pace of the show at 26 days.

Thoughts? Is anyone even watching? Ratings have kind of been taking a nose dive...
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wg64Z posted...
I still think he doesn't understand that Twists don't make the show interesting, human beings do.
Fucking nailed it. This season has a great cast that had the potential to put on a really great show but Jeff seems determined to fuck it up at every turn.
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UnderUrMattress posted...

Well damn, I just searched "Survivor"
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Well, you made me think that the topic purged, so that should tell you what I think about this season.
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Board 8 » Damn, no Survivor topic?