B8 Discord's #wrestling Year End Awards deliberations 1: Fun Awards

Board 8


I'm open to hearing some of the more traditional carnie picks here but frankly I'm over some of the picks I feel will get people's votes or nominations. I'm over WWE's relationship with Saudi Arabia; I can't work up any outrage over seeing a scummy company taking a scummy deal. Likewise, I don't care about WWE firing people over "budgetary reasons" while making a billion dollars. One, I feel like they've needed to slash the roster for years. Two, I get to watch some of these guys like Buddy Matthews be awesome somewhere else.

I only have two that I've given any real thought to. Keiji Mutoh employed in 2021 is probably my #1 this year. I've already mentioned him a couple of times here so I won't go on another rant about how he's going to hurt NOAH just like he hurt everywhere else he's been for years. I'll also give a nod to Rob Black restarting XPW . He chickened out on his original promise to come back with a tournament featuring nothing but cancelled wrestlers but the idea that XPW has any place in the modern wrestling landscape is ludicrous. We'll see if he actually runs another show in 2022.


"Kamen Buto-Kai/Masquerade Ball" - Masquerade's Theme (Dragon Gate)

Dragon Gate has some great themes in general and Masquerade has been one my favorite stables in terms of looks, combination of talent, and of course theme music in a long while. It's going to be interesting to see where this group goes given certain recent developments. <_<

"Ruby Soho" - Ruby Soho's Theme (AEW)

Taz sings along to this almost as much as I do when it plays! I feel like it's cheating a bit to take an already fun/good real song and license it for your talent (Cult of Personality rocks on its own). However, this song has helped elevate Ruby Soho and, as a fun aside, I think it helped get her over to my husband.

"Cult of Personality" - CM Punk's Theme (AEW)

. . . Screw it. I love this song and I love that CM Punk is back. Fight me.

"FILTHY" - Tom Lawlor's Theme (NJPW)

As one of the three people who regularly watch NJPW Strong, I feel obligated to push how awesome Filthy Tom's music is on this show. I hope that Tom gets a proper tour in NJPW once travel isn't a nightmare. He's been carrying Strong on his back during this period.

"The Chairman's Intent" - HOOK's Theme (AEW)

HOOK finally made his in-ring debut last night, coming out to this banger from Action Bronson. I know he's a meme but I think the company sees a lot in him already. Might as well make sure he has a great theme from the start.