B8 Discord's #wrestling Year End Awards deliberations 1: Fun Awards

Board 8

Worst Wrestler - Hannibal (Devon Nicholson)

This guy has been making the news as of late for brutally assaulting a referee (Lando Deltoro) that now needs to fund his medical expenses for the damage done to him. He is rightfully getting denounced for his actions and should be facing criminal charges for what he did.

I see Dominck and Alexa Bliss getting nominated for this award and I blame that on WWE's bad direction (Alexa's booking since allying with Wyatt has been utter garbage) and forcing everyone to work their house style which is stunting Dom developing his in-ring skills. As for the veterans (Matt Hardy, Keiji Mutoh), I at least get the impression that they're performing as best as they can despite being deep in their decline. Hannibal has zero excuses. He's had an awful reputation for years and has just shown he can't even be trusted in the ring with others. If this award has any merit to it, Hannibal should be in contention over some of the suggestions being made.

Worst Event - WWE Survivor Series 2021

Nothing particular stands out to me from being particularly garbage, but this year's Survivor Series was so uninspired that it convinced me that the PPV should be retired. It is now just a annual "RAW VS SMACKDOWN BRAND ALLEGIENCE FIGHT FOR YOUR BRAND THAT SOME OF YOU ONLY BEEN A PART OF FOR THE PAST 3 WEEKS FIGHT FOR YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAAND!" concept that was fun the first few times they did it (2005, 2016) but now is just lazy booking solely to hold over fans until the new year. It is just as bad as holding a Hell In A Cell match annually for the sake of holding one and because the PPV is named after it.

Worst Match - Randy Orton vs The Fiend at WrestleMania 37

Bray Wyatt has become a regular offender in my books for being a part of some of the worst matches/angles in WWE each year, and despite having only one match he continues the trend this year. I wasn't expecting much from this match to begin with outside of the Fiend winning, but only 5 minutes of a "match" until the stupid finish involving Alexa Bliss turning on Wyatt and Orton rolling him up for the victory was complete and utter garbage for a wrestlemania storyline that had been built for almost half a year.

Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic - WWE firing people citing budget cuts while having record profits

Firing a third of your in-ring talent (including several consistent Main Eventers) under the excuse of budget cuts when your company is having notable financial success is pathetic.

Theme Song of the Year - I have 5 nominations...

Kota Ibushi - Golden Star

Probably the best NJPW theme in recent years, and it was great to hear this when Ibushi finally won the IWGP title and defend it at Wrestle Kingdom.

Will Ospreay - Bring It Down

Another excllent NJPW theme. It really works well as his entrance as he established himself as a main eventer over there.

Malakai Black - Ogentroost

Probably my favourite of the new AEW themes this year. Honorable mentions to Jungle Boy, Miro and Negative One's themes.

Happy Corbin The Good Life

This is such a catchy douchey heel theme and I love it (even if End of Days is still better).

RK-Bro Talk To Me

For tag team theme mashups, mixing Orton and Riddle's themes together works works really well.

Best Non-Wrestler - Bad Bunny

Not sure if celebrities count, but the Bad Bunny WrestleMania Tag Match was surprisingly good and he clearly put the effort in to make the most of his time there unlike a lot of celebrities WWE bring in. If he doesn't count, Arn Anderson gets my nom.
PaulG235 | Finished in the Top 2 of GotD2010's Second Chance Bracket
Sadly, there are no second chances in the Guru, azuarc doesn't need one.