Have you purchased concert tickets on Stubhub before?

Board 8

Board 8 » Have you purchased concert tickets on Stubhub before?
What's been your experience? Do the people who are selling them have a copy already that they've uploaded? It's not like the seller has to wait for it and then upload it in time right?

Seems like the worst thing that can happen is they don't work but you get your money back.

Also, if I'm buying a set that says 1-4 tickets, and I buy 2, the two tickets are next to each other right?
Menji+ https://i.imgur.com/F5UEyUw.gif | http://i.imgur.com/pPZsSZU.gifv
Congrats to azuarc! [ https://myanimelist.net/profile/Menjii ]
StubHub is legit. Next to ticketmaster itself, that's probably as safe a spot to snag tickets as anything. You'll get what you're paying for or your money back. And you will get sequential seats if you buy 2 from a set of four, yes.
*slips away unnoticed*
I always use TickPick. It's the same as all the other sites except the price it displays is the actual final price you pay. No added fees or added bullshit. It usually works out cheaper than the other sites because of that. I've never had an issue with tickets from there but I've also never had an issue with tickets from any of those sites.

The tickets are usually already uploaded. I believe it specifies if they aren't
Board 8 » Have you purchased concert tickets on Stubhub before?