Spider-Man topic (spoilers, none in first post)

Board 8


Spoilers are gonna start

Right now


OK let's go

Willem Dafoe is the man in this, and the fights with him did their best (while I think still being constrained by the MCU's overall lack of really vicious fight scenes) to match the brutality of the fight with Tobey Maguire Spider-Man in the first movie. That was something I really liked. The final fight particularly was so aggressive and nasty, and I love that

What I liked overall about this was how weighty it was. I previously said I wasn't as high on the other Holland movies as some because both him and the movies themselves feel flimsy and lightweight, and the charisma of RDJ hung over both of them - for all of TASM2's flaws, it feels like a big movie from the first 5 minutes, and that was never true of the Holland Spider-Man movies until this one. This movie was not at all flimsy, and Holland himself was leagues ahead of any previous performance. It felt weighty and somehow real despite all the crazy multiverse shit going on

May dying was horrific but I'm glad they did it, the movie is far stronger because of it, and the finale is clever on several different levels.

Stuff I didn't like - not much, but Jamie Foxx being suddenly "cool Jamie Foxx character" as opposed to the nerd he used to be felt a bit jarring, and Sandman was a fucking charisma vacuum and stood out like a sore thumb among the other 5 bad guys (though you could kind of see that coming). Also thought they could have done more to differentiate the three Spidermen in the final battle because I had almost no idea which one was which.

Two credits scenes were both good for different reasons. The second one was completely unexpected. Did not expect unreleased Dr. Strange 2 footage/trailer.

Obviously all the fanservice shit got a laugh out of me. I think...maybe some of it became a little cheap, but I have to admit I still loved it in the moment

I'm not sure how this will stand the test of time because it's so reliant on the big moments and the fanservice, and that can wear off on repeat viewings once the initial thrill is gone, but there is an awesome big-hearted movie underneath it all

Last thing: Civil War is still a Cap movie, he is the central driving character, but it (necessarily) loses focus on that and spins a lot of different plates - Iron Man, Natasha, Black Panther, Zemo all have their arcs.

This has a LOT of shit going on, but it is still absolutely Tom Holland's movie, and everything in it - all the fanservice and the extra characters - they all lead back to him. That's what might allow it to stand beyond its fanservice moments

Just some scattered thoughts, the adrenaline is pumping still. So good

Not to be confused with XIII_minerals.