Spider-Man topic (spoilers, none in first post)

Board 8

Just came back home after seeing it.
I am not huge on Marvel movies, most of them are generic and overrated imo, and I really hated the first Iron Ma..I mean, the first Spider Man movie, and only watched the second one this weekend and though it was just "ok"

But this one was great. Like 9/10 great. It's not easy to excite me with fanservice or references/easter eggs, but they pulled it off perfectly. I loved how the entire crowd in the cinema clapped and cheered when Andrew showed up (and did the same thing when Tobey showed up)

Wasn't really a fan of the memory loss at the end (I usually hate this trope in general) but I am sure they will fix it at some later movie so it's not such a big deal

Humor scenes with the other two Spider Man were perfect too