Spider-Man topic (spoilers, none in first post)

Board 8

I actually wasn't that crazy about this one. There was a ton I liked but I think it's sitting squarely in the middle as far as Holland's movies go.

First off I'm so tired of these big info dumps we get pre release. Everything that got big reactions in the theater, would've been so much bigger if no one suspected any of it.

Now I will say I absolutely loved seeing all the villains here. They all played off each other really well and Wilhem Dafoe put in a killer performance as usual. I do think Jamie Foxx was a bit jarring, but I'd think I'd rather that than seeing Nerdy Blue Electro again.

Seeing all the Spider-Men together was also really cool and honestly I'd say this cements Garfield as my favorite. Holland did still put in some serious work though, especially during May's death and while fighting Goblin. Plus I'm genuinely curious about where Peter goes from here, now that all of his supporting characters are out of the picture.

There's still something that I felt was missing from it though and I just can't put my finger on it. I'm not sure if it was the pacing or lack of consistency, but I just can't help but feel some lack of potential. I definitely need to think about it more.

Also wtf was the point of that Eddie Brock end credit scene? Not only does it make Venom 2's end credit bogus, but it doesn't make any sense. Eddie has no clue who Peter is. If they wanted a symbiote tease, maybe they just couldn't get Topher Grace, but we're getting Gorr next year, who could just as easily bring one in. I thought the Kraven and Scorpion Tease was a lot cooler.

Anyway I thought it was good, I just think the hype got a little out of hand for it.