Spider-Man topic (spoilers, none in first post)

Board 8

Like... I think this might be my favorite Spider-Man movie and one of my favorite MCU movies.

There is a toooonnn in here to like, and it also brings out some of the best parts of the Raimi/Garfield movies without having to deal with a lot of the stuff that hasn't aged well at all. Willem Dafoe is at the absolute peak, doing Green Goblin stronger and scarier than his original outing somehow. There's no Topher Grace, no montage of Peter Parker celebrating his powers being gone, no James Franco ham, no Kirsten Dunst, the cameos were MCU related and not hosts from The Soup.

Also, also, also... I loved that Happy Hogan was in the scene with Matt Murdock, and that he needs a really good lawyer. I really really hope there's a short made with Jon Favreau and Elden Henson just for the sheer silliness of Foggy Nelson representing Foggy Nelson.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD