Spider-Man topic (spoilers, none in first post)

Board 8

it was very fan fic, but it was fun. I just don't get how Venom got booped in and booped out when the spell was supposed to work the way it did. But I am hype for symbiote.

I appreciated how they handled May though

Oh no! She's down by what's definitely a killing atta-- oh. She's walking it off before Peter is she's fine.
...Oh no she just said "With great power comes great responsib--" yup and she's down. Okay, well fuck.

To expect it, then get your hopes up long enough that she's fine then drop the hammer line that you know what comes next was done well.

Also Danny Rojas bartender
*Fastbreak Intensifies*
PSN TehScurr Switch friend code SW-5264-0547-1806