Spider-Man topic (spoilers, none in first post)

Board 8

Morning after gripes:

Maguire and Garfield were pointless characters. They were so unneeded.

Spidey needs help? As previously mentioned, he already saved Doc Ock. Sandman would be on his side if he learned the others didn't want to press the button to send him back. Ned and MJ. Fucking Happy. And hey, they introduced Daredevil in the movie - would've been great to loop him in if Happy could do anything to help.

Spidey needs someone to guide him through dealing with loss? Well, let's take a look at characters in this movie who have dealt with the loss of someone close. Again, Doc Ock. Again, Happy, hello? He was also close with me. Doctor Strange is a good choice as well. Oh, and there's one more person who has dealt with loss and had a movie about learning to move on without the person they lost. It was even an uncle figure. Who was it again? Oh yeah.

Peter Parker.

I won't say the May death was done poorly at all. I mean, it put him in prime position to be like "I have no parents, I have no aunt", but you know, maybe if they used Happy a bit more in this movie (he was pretty phenomenal in the bits he was in), then there's an avenue there.

Oh. Well.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic