Platinum #196 It Takes Two

Board 8

Board 8 » Platinum #196 It Takes Two
Platinum #196 It Takes Two
This is a hard game to sum up because it does so many things. A lot of it is done well, some drags on, and other stuff flat out fails. It is a gorgeous game though and really your experience will be determined on the coop player you do it with. I played this with my trophy rival but he originally started this game with his ex, a relationship killer?!

Buried in the countless locales and minigames and quick platforming gimmicks is the love story gone flacid between Cody and May. I say buried because you'll spend far more time talking with your coop partner than listening to the back and forth endless angry squabbling between the married couple seeking divorce. In fact you likely will spend most of the game thinking they probably should be divorced and their child should be taken away.

In terms of high point moments, the magic castle is THE moment. The explanation of how they met falls a bit flat but the proposal story is sweet and gives you some great insight on both sides of the proposal which you rarely see in narratives. The ultimate fall flat moment is the last big moment at the end. Without ruining it the game could have super capitalized and instead just takes the cheap development way out. It kills the big moment.

I highly do suggest playing it takes two but I just don't see it as a goty front runner media outlets and general gamers have pegged it as.
Switch: 0675-3724-0313
Board 8 » Platinum #196 It Takes Two