The 2022 Board 8 RUMBLE! [Signups] [Prize Included]

Board 8

Firstly, a disclaimer:
This competition is not officially sponsored by GameFAQs or Red Ventures and monetary rewards have been provided by me.

Now the legal stuff is out of the way, it's time once again for the B8 Rumble! Probably the best/most exciting part of UCA returns for the third year running, now free of the B8UCA branding. 30-50 will enter over the course of around 24 hours, and only one will leave as the 2022 Rumble champion, joining an elite group:

2009: Boko
2010: ExTha
2011: sonicblastpunch
2013: Sir Cobain
2014: eaedwards
2015: Stevie3V
2016: Shaduln
2017: DpOblivion
2018: WiggumFan267
2019: Whiskey_Nick
2020: EmeraldEgg
2021: KCF0107

Last year, Emerald came closer than anyone to becoming the first repeat winner, narrowly coming second to KCF, who won from entry number 26.

And the kudos/bragging rights that come with joining the ELITE GROUP of past Rumble winners isn't the only thing they'll get. The winner this year will receive a 50 USD Gift Card of their choice (Amazon, PSN, Steam, etc).

The Rumble will begin on the night of Friday, January 28 (exact time TBC), and will run well into Saturday.

Sign up in this topic . I think the upper limit on this is about 40 people. I doubt we'll get that, but if we do, it's pretty much first come first served.

Last year there were some offensive changes - entry periods were 20 minutes instead of 30 and users got a new double hurt if they made an elimination while in the rumble. They seemed to work reasonably well so we'll keep those. I'm open to any minor rule change suggestions though (and open to anybody to volunteer handling entries for an hour or so).

I'll be the first to sign up! I made Rumble history last year by eliminating MYSELF so who knows what will happen this time.
Not to be confused with XIII_minerals.