Have you ever read Infinite Jest?

Board 8

colliding posted...
his tennis essays are the best though

I liked the first one in A Supposedly Fun Thing but the Michael Joyce one did nothing for me - and the first one largely worked for me because I live in Champaign-Urbana and it was loaded with really specific references to the area. Admittedly, David Lynch is my favorite director and I have been to the Illinois State Fair, so those two essays had a personal appeal. The title essay about cruise ships was also compelling and the essay on television is one of the best things I have ever read about the medium. Not quite sure what I was supposed to get out of Michael Joyce but I also don't care about sports in general, but the more philosophical themes also felt stronger in the other pieces.
My top 100 games (with write-ups): https://foolfantastic.com/top-100-video-games-project/
Top 250 songs: https://foolfantastic.com/3290-2/