Turnabout for Tomorrow spoilers

Board 8

Board 8 » Turnabout for Tomorrow spoilers
There will be spoilers in this post, I'm not finished with the game, but will probably beat it today.

Currently going through Ace Attorney Dual Destinies and something has been bothering me. The game kept alluding to a shadowy figure behind the bombings. I still don't know who made the bomb in the first case, and since I'm assuming Turnabout for Tomorrow is the final case of the game, and at the beginning of this case the bomber still hasn't even been introduced... This has made a certain individual very suspicious. This person found the one item that could prove Starbuck innocent, and then "forgot" to mention that Athena's prints were on the lighter. He also took off Terran's glove to get his prints which was unnecessary, and he collected everyone else's prints at the scene. He's the only one that could have planted those prints on the lighter. And likely the only person (other than other detectives) that would have access to a gun, and his holster is alluding to it.

Anyways I'm probably wrong lol
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Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
Pearl and Edgeworth show up

Huh I didn't expect that. I wonder if the writers were forced to bring them because fans didn't like the new cast or something.
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This has informed me that you have not yet played the DLC case, and I would highly recommend doing so after this, because it's by far the best case in Dual Destinies.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
MrSmartGuy posted...
This has informed me that you have not yet played the DLC case, and I would highly recommend doing so after this, because it's by far the best case in Dual Destinies.
I'll get to that after I beat this case

Athena's locks just went away and she mentions a MAN and her stabbing his HAND. I wonder who else is a MAN that wear GLOVES.
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GranzonEx posted...
I wonder if the writers were forced to bring them because fans didn't like the new cast or something.

no more than they were "forced" to use Phoenix as the protagonist of the game

DD is absolutely an attempt to undo the damage AJ caused and that means bringing back popular and likable characters!
The guy is seen leaving the crime scene wearing the jacket. Then later on the jacket is back in the crime scene...

I wonder who has the ability to arrive at a crime scene before anyone else and can tamper with evidence...
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Beated the game and now on the DLC.

So my hunch was right. I'll leave a few thoughts on the game as a whole and probably why I feel like I figured out the final antagonist so quickly.

I don't remember every detail of the previous games but one thing I do remember was the games were very well paced, even the "bad" cases like Big Top. Even my personal least favorite case, Farewell My Turnabout, didn't drag at the end.

So my biggest problem with this game is the pacing and dialogue. I don't mind the new characters, or the game focusing on them. It felt like in this game the perps in every case has 20 testimonies. Every time I rip them apart in cross examination, they would come back with a lie and then we get a minigame with either Apollo or Athena and then we spend another 30 minutes ripping apart more testimony. The game really wore me down.

Now as for how I figured out the final bad guy. Fortunately I did not get spoiled. But unfortunately the game did an incredibly bad job with the lighter. I wish that wasn't something that was focused on at the end of the fourth case. Because of how the game handled Athena's past, we knew nothing about her up until that point, and then her sleeping in the space museum didn't amount to anything, so her prints on the lighter felt very unnatural. Usually when someone gets framed there's foreshadowing, and motive. One of the protagonists getting framed isn't new but the way she was randomly framed seemed out of nowhere. And because of how far we were into the game, all the characters had their motives explained, except the one guy handling the evidence.
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Turnabout Reclaimed spoils

Defended Orla and now investigating to prove Sasha's innocence. Maybe Marlon is the previous trainer's boyfriend. Seems fishy. Doctor also has it out for Orla but maybe that's a red herring.
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GranzonEx posted...
Seems fishy.

It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.
Yeah 5 and 6 have some looong cases.
"So much love in his words."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021
I really struggled with the second case. It felt like there were 3 days of investigations. The twist at the end got me though.
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Board 8 » Turnabout for Tomorrow spoilers