Ever thought that if you were just a little bit insane you'd murder someone?

Board 8

I have. I had to inform this person of such. There was a lot of yelling, mostly on my end. But I felt better.

Not better better. Bad enough that I still feel more than a bit on edge right now.

Letting it all out occasionally feels good but I also don't feel good. Conflicting and such.

Being sane sucks but I am a rational person that will continue for the forever to stay sane.

Also sorry for being vague b8 but I don't immediately feel like getting too personal. I've told segments of the story surrounding this here at times so I don't think anything is really a secret but trying not to rehash it in my brain too much. Mostly just trying to let out a little bit of my emotions a bit. Thanks for being a little bit of an outlet b8.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.