More Video Game Music Trivia!

Board 8

Board 8 » More Video Game Music Trivia!

With many improvements, and still some learned to be implemented next time.

Test your skills, and tell me your scores!
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Do it.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
I will watch all of these that you post. Already liking the QoL improvements over last time.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Tagging to check later
[The Artist Formerly Known as Earthshaker.]
Tag for later when I have time to listen
Leonhart4 posted...
Tag for later when I have time to listen
I didn't do guru this year but azuarc can be in my sig anyways.
Tag for like a week from now when I remember to listen
Very slowly becoming a Final Fantasy aficionado.
Currently playing: Lightning Returns
FFDragon posted...
I will watch all of these that you post. Already liking the QoL improvements over last time.

Thanks! I think the face cam adds a LOT to the presentation. And showing the buzzer on screen gives the audience a bit of insider info, since they could NOT see who buzzed in first.

Me reading it consistently needs to happen more often though.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
Round 1 - Got Mega Man 7, knew the F-Zero song but didn't know which game (just because of Smash), Final Fantasy X, Street Fighter IV, Persona (but I didn't know which specific game it was)

I'll try to do another round tomorrow
MZero , to the extreme
I never saw azuarc coming, but he won the Guru!
For those that watched the first one as well, did you find this one easier, harder, or on par with the original? I feel like I need to soften it up even more. And maybe trim the rounds down a bit to fewer guesses per round.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
Round 1 - Got FFX and Persona 5... my top 2 games!

Round 2 - Got SA2, DKC, and first theme
got Fire Emblem, Dragon Quext XI, and theme (somehow missed Paper Mario even though I've been playing it including literally today)
Got Portal

Round 3 - Got Ryu's Stage (if that counts), Final Destination

Round 4 - SCV (StarCraft)

I think I did better than last time! Although that's two straight where no one got the FFX song :(
MZero , to the extreme
I never saw azuarc coming, but he won the Guru!
Have a car ride today, so I know a nice hour+ long video to listen to while I'm driving.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
wg64Z posted...
For those that watched the first one as well, did you find this one easier, harder, or on par with the original? I feel like I need to soften it up even more. And maybe trim the rounds down a bit to fewer guesses per round.

It felt about the same. Most of them are at least vaguely familiar, but there were a couple I had no clue about.
I'll say any time I put in music from a Western developed game (Last of Us, Starcraft, Batman Arkham etc.) I always get crickets. I think I'll be avoiding those in the future.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
I think that's just a product of you recruiting retro gamers tbqh.

You just have to tailor things to your set of contestants.

Also more spooky music, selfishly. I got Last of Us (and RE4 last time) on the first notes.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
I recognized the TLOU song but I couldn't place it
Currently: setting up my own trivia for the afternoon, only got to do two rounds and the first bonus so far. Using the scoring rules along with the group for my totals mostly because of Persona .

Round 1: 7.5 points
Mega Man 7, Duck Tales, F-Zero X, Final Fantasy X [frog croaking intensifies], Yoshi's Story, (-1) Sonic CD, (unguessed), Street Fighter 4, Blaster Master, (-1) Bastion, (unguessed), (unguessed), Super Meat Boy, (+.5) Persona 4, Killer Instinct 2013

Round 2: 16 points
Shovel Knight, Sonic Adventure 2, Donkey Kong Country, (+3) Opening stages; Sonic Mania, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, (unguessed), (+3) Mirror Boss Themes; Fire Emblem 7, (unguessed), (unguessed), (Unguessed theme); Portal, Doki Doki Literature Club, (unguessed), (+3) Antagonist singing the song (and oh boy did I luck out on that by not knowing Goemon there); (Unguessed), (Unguessed), (-1) Mario Paint (Unguessed theme).

Bonus round 1: 0 points.
(+2) Mario Paint (WHAT ARE THE ODDS,), (-1) Sonic Unleashed, (-1) Super Smash Bros Ultimate

[The Artist Formerly Known as Earthshaker.]
Isquen posted...
Currently: setting up my own trivia for the afternoon, only got to do two rounds and the first bonus so far. Using the scoring rules along with the group for my totals mostly because of Persona .

Round 1: 7.5 points
Mega Man 7, Duck Tales, F-Zero X, Final Fantasy X [frog croaking intensifies], Yoshi's Story, (-1) Sonic CD, (unguessed), Street Fighter 4, Blaster Master, (-1) Bastion, (unguessed), (unguessed), Super Meat Boy, (+.5) Persona 4, Killer Instinct 2013

Round 2: 16 points
Shovel Knight, Sonic Adventure 2, Donkey Kong Country, (+3) Opening stages; Sonic Mania, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, (unguessed), (+3) Mirror Boss Themes; Fire Emblem 7, (unguessed), (unguessed), (Unguessed theme); Portal, Doki Doki Literature Club, (unguessed), (+3) Antagonist singing the song (and oh boy did I luck out on that by not knowing Goemon there); (Unguessed), (Unguessed), (-1) Mario Paint (Unguessed theme).

Bonus round 1: 0 points.
(+2) Mario Paint (WHAT ARE THE ODDS,), (-1) Sonic Unleashed, (-1) Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Give yourself 1 for Persona , I messed that up.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
You can't just put my favorite MMX3 theme on there like that.

Also, LOL at not getting DKC2 but getting Quest 64 during bonus round 2.

Round 3: 31 points (two wrong guesses, one un-guess.)
Dire Dire Docks, Suzaku Castle, Phendrana Drifts, Undersea Palace (50-50'd between it and the Black Omen), The Halberd, Planet Wisp, (unguessed and oof it was Pokemon), Turbo Tunnel (during the bike section), Gravity Beetle's level, (completely unguessed - RIP me and not knowing Halo), (-1 - Toriel's house), The Cradle, (-1 - guessed The Boxing Ring), Final Destination, Hollow Bastion

Round 4: 26 points
Dr. Light, Pigma Dengar, Raiden, Beedle, Dante, Barry Burton, the G-Man (look, I can't help being a Valve fanboy), (-1 - guessed Siege Tank), Doc Lewis, Niko (EYYYY, COUSIN)

Round 5: PSX round; 5 points
(+5) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Lost Painting, (-1) Rayman 2 - ??? (It was about here I realized "oh yeah it's one console), (unguessed), (+1) Final Fantasy 7 - ???, (unguessed)

Bonus round 2: 7 points
(+7) Mario Kart Wii Love Katamari, (unguessed: Mortal Kombat + ...Batallion Wars?), (unguessed: ???? + Quest 64?)

Overall: 93. Hot damn! Definitely got lucky in round 3.

[The Artist Formerly Known as Earthshaker.]
Round 1 - Got F-Zero X, Yoshi's Story, and Persona 4. +3
Round 2 - Got Sonic Adventure 2, Donkey Kong Country, Portal, & Doki Doki Literature Club as well as 'Serenaded by antagonists' but missed Super Mario 64 with Silver for the DQXI, Mario Teaches Typing for Mario is Missing, and 'Nintendo games made by different companies' isn't completely right on. +4
Bonus Round 1 - Got Mario Paint & Nuts & Bolts +4
Round 3 - Got 'Dire, Dire Docks,' but failed answering 'Magus Castle' +2
Round 4 - Got Dr. Light, Raiden, & Barry, but mistook Marine for SCV and would've buzzed on Doc Louis but forgot his name entirely so I docked there. +7
Round 5 - -1 for answering Tomba for the Crash question -1
Bonus Round 2 - Mario Kart Wii Love Katamari +7

Overall: 26
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
These are a real good time. Here's my notes:

Final score was 65.5 - Got nothing on Isquen here
wg64Z posted...
For those that watched the first one as well, did you find this one easier, harder, or on par with the original? I feel like I need to soften it up even more. And maybe trim the rounds down a bit to fewer guesses per round.

About the same, I'd say.

wg64Z posted...
I'll say any time I put in music from a Western developed game (Last of Us, Starcraft, Batman Arkham etc.) I always get crickets. I think I'll be avoiding those in the future.

I have a looooooooooot I want to say about this, but don't have the time atm. I'll just say quickly now I disagree that you should avoid "western games". Shovel Knight, Portal, Killer Instinct, Undertale, etc are all western games, and people got those just fine. Might come back to this.
wg64Z posted...
For those that watched the first one as well, did you find this one easier, harder, or on par with the original? I feel like I need to soften it up even more. And maybe trim the rounds down a bit to fewer guesses per round.

Depends on your target audience. Your participants looked like they had fun, and that's very important too, and for me, personally, I got lucky that a lot of these coincided with games, series, and consoles I had growing up/in my adult life. I would've bombed it completely if Dreamcast or most Genesis showed up.

I also regularly struggle on B8's guessing games when they come up beyond a few niche things I've played, but then you get me running an entire FFXIV list since it's a strength of mine. *Shrug*
[The Artist Formerly Known as Earthshaker.]
I wasn't keeping score since I listened in segments, but I would have outscored your contestants. Did you list the answers somewhere?
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Round 2 - Got Sonic Adventure 2, Donkey Kong Country, the opening level connection, Sonic Mania, the evil version boss theme connection, Portal, Mario is Missing (which was a guess based on what I kind of assumed the theme was, even if I was a little off on what it turned out to be)
DireKrow posted...
About the same, I'd say.

I have a looooooooooot I want to say about this, but don't have the time atm. I'll just say quickly now I disagree that you should avoid "western games". Shovel Knight, Portal, Killer Instinct, Undertale, etc are all western games, and people got those just fine. Might come back to this.

I guess I should stipulate from the AAA space. Those were all fairly niche/indie titles with many memes and a large internet presence. I would've figured of all huge Sony titles, The Last of Us would've been the lay up.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
azuarc posted...
I wasn't keeping score since I listened in segments, but I would have outscored your contestants. Did you list the answers somewhere?

I did not no, I didn't want people just going to the description to read all the answers and ruin the experience.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
Ah yes, that great indie title, Killer Instinct. =p

The reason people don't know the music from TLOU isn't because people didn't play TLOU. It's because the music isn't as memorable and the tracks don't transcend specifically the people who have played the game. This is, for some reason, a trend with AAA western titles that the devs like to have more backgroundy mood music. Pick a game where that's not the case and people will (probably) know it just fine.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Yeah from my experience running quizzes on reddit and tracking stats for which ones were correctly guessed, 'cinematic orchestral soundtracks' were consistently one of the most poorly performing genres.

  • They sound too similar to each other, making it very hard to guess one from the 200 other games which have music which sounds the same to non-specialists. Popular retro games, JP games, indie games, and AA western OSTs tend to have more recognizable and distinct styles that aren't just "make it sound like Hans Zimmer".
  • They lack cultural penetration. The Halo theme is very famous, but compare the number of arrangements/covers you see of Undertale songs to, say, Elden Ring. Yeah Elden Ring is an immensely popular game, but popular game =/= recognizable music.
  • They don't stand out, by design. Most are textural or set the mood, and deliberately avoid being catchy or attention grabbing. I think even a fan of the game would be hard-pressed to remember the songs from these games, or where they actually play, with only some exceptions.
  • They tend to be slow and methodical, with long builds and releases, and are thus extremely hard to capture within a little 15 second clip. I know I scrapped several popular orchestral pieces in my quiz making days just because I couldn't find a good mini-clip to use.

Aside from that though, it also depends on the guests you have. For certain groups of people, certain songs are considerably easier or harder. Take the vgm community here for example... the Trails series is very popular here, so something like Sophisticated Fight ( ) would be considered "easy" and almost everyone you showed it to would probably be able to at least name the series. And yet, I wouldn't be surprised if 5 of the 6 guests you've had on so far hadn't even heard of the game, let alone have any hope of guessing the song. Inversely, there is some songs in your quizzes where all three of your guests knew what it was, but I had never heard the song before =P There ARE groups out there which would know the TLOU song easily, but this group of guests happened to not be it.

Also in spite of the all that, I still regularly used that sort of music. I saw my vgm quizzes as a way to celebrate vgm and games in general, and so it was very important to me that they represented a lot of what vgm had to offer. There's people who love these games and this music, and some of the most revered games ever have music in that style, so and I wanted them to be represented as well.

In your case, even though your guests didn't know what the TLOU song was, maybe some of your ~180 viewers did, and were super glad to see it there. The Atelier song is another good example here too... I got the impression you were inwardly apologizing for it being there, because you perhaps correctly guessed that the group wouldn't have even heard of the game, let alone had any hope of guessing it... but hey, I knew the series and got it half correct, and I was super happy that someone actually nominated a Gust song <3

The trick is to build an intuition for what songs and parts of songs are most recognizable. The fact you used The Last of Us's main theme was definitely an example of what I'm talking about, though perhaps not quite enough in this case.

If you really want at least one of your guests to know every song, then I'd say to tailor your picks for the background of your guests, though I don't know if you know who you'll have on until right before the game, so I imagine that might make things difficult.

Ultimately though it's your show and you should run it how you want and make the selections you want to make. I think you'd lose something if you excluded an entire genre of music and game, but... yeah.
Bonus Round 1 - Didn't know any of them. I could tell the first one was a Mario game, but I'd have never guessed Paint.

Round 3 - Got Dire Dire Docks, Ryu's Theme (would've known it was Suzaku Castle if that's specifically what you were asking for), Undersea Palace (also pretty sure he was thinking of the Black Omen, not the Blackbird), the Halberd, Planet Wisp, and Hollow Bastion

those were mostly pretty popular themes from their respective games, which was probably helpful when you're asking for just the level

Round 4 - Got Dr. Light, Pigma, Raiden, Dante, Barry

great round using some classically bad voice acting, that one was fun

Round 5 - Got Final Fantasy VII - Descendant of the Shinobi

Bonus Round 2 - Knew one was Mortal Kombat but didn't know the second part, knew one was DKC2 but didn't know the second part

I will say doing it this way was better than the way you did it in the first video.
DireKrow posted...
The Atelier song is another good example here too... I got the impression you were inwardly apologizing for it being there, because you perhaps correctly guessed that the group wouldn't have even heard of the game, let alone had any hope of guessing it... but hey, I knew the series and got it half correct, and I was super happy that someone actually nominated a Gust song

I instantly pegged it as a Gust game, definitely Atelier and not their other series, and I guessed it was probably Ryza. I would not have known the track, but I found its inclusion incredibly refreshing.

On the flipside, I play exclusively not-AAA games, so I'm only going to know music that has some kind of penetration. I almost wrote that before, but decided to keep my post short. Also, hearing yet another Mega Man spin-off game does nothing for me.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
It's true, though I think I value the guests having a good time over the audience recognizing music, since typically if the guests know it, a good chunk of the audience would. And if the guests aren't involved and having a good time, that would obviously affect the quality of the show as a whole.
Do you like humor, gameplay, and daily content? Check out my hilarious let's play Youtube Channel, Tarvould's Quest!
Board 8 » More Video Game Music Trivia!