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Board 8

hrmmmm I'll leave it to you, but I do think Lost Kingdoms may be more your alley.

Crystal Bearers: short action RPG in a chill, upbeat world that wants to get you interacting with enemies/environment with its waggle gimmick gravity powers. Excels in its characters with a fine short plot... gameplay like I said not for everyone, filled with minigames that often don't feel well, but exploring the world itself can be fairly relaxing and promotes interaction.

Lost Kingdoms... I think I'm kinda turning back on my 1 before 2 actually.

LK1 can be a bit more archaic, 2 definitely the better game but they each have their own feel to them, with LK1 being more arcadey in that you can't go back to other levels until you beat the main game. LK1 has random encounters, when they occur a square area forms and a few monsters come up. In LK2 however they're entirely open maps populated by monsters you can fight freely, and you can always come back to any level from the world map. LK2 also has a new type of card (transformation) that's pretty cool, but on the other hand capturing monsters is 1000x easier aka spammable in LK1 which is also fun.

I kinda began typing this with the idea of "go for LK1 over 2 if you're cool with an archaic arcadey style" but really screw it just go for LK2 it's a much better game and you can always come back and enjoy what LK1 does different, that's what I did after all.


I think all this typing just pushed me to saying LK2
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.